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Posts posted by scottvader

  1. Ignace is right. If you turn off spiralize in 14.09 it prints cleanly, ie uses that new feature correctly.

    on the left is 14.07 with spiralize on, on the right 14.09 with spiralize off, almost perfect in both cases:

    14.07 spiralize vs 14.09 standard


    but the inside with spiralize off in 14.09 has messy hanging wiped material:

    inside 14.07 vs 14.09


    easy enough to do a work around for now.



  2. First of all Daid, thank you. Cura is the best slicer out there! I've got most folks at my makerspace switched.

    I can confirm that bug. I just saw it yesterday running http://www.proto-pasta.com/shop/cfpla filled filament for the first time. Highly recommended by the way. The precision produced by this filament is stunning.

    spiralize tears


    It's new to 14.09, not there in 14.07:


    1409 spiral tear screen shots


    FYI, here's a https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByHl5gxPxiYCamZtOVY5SGFFemM/view?usp=sharing I use for testing and the https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByHl5gxPxiYCbzgyRWV4dk1fVDA/view?usp=sharing used.



  3. These manual steps work well for me (no Ulticontroller) with just an outline.

    1) Load the print file

    2) press 210 C pre-heat button under the "temp" tab

    3) when temp gets close, switch to "jog" tab

    4) press extrude button until good PLA is flowing and the correct color if changing colors

    5) clean the nozzle and remove dross, quickly to keep pressure in hotend

    6) press print button

    7) grab the Z axis and crank it while making the outline to crush the extruded bead to desired thickness ex to get .2 mm thick layer with .4 mm nozzle, crush down half the bead height, 0.1 mm with 0.4 mm crush down 75%.



  4. Of course the best 3D printer company should start the best object repository.

    Gold standard for user interface should be Solidworks IMHO. Dassault may even help given companies like 3D Systems are bringing out competitive design products.

    Feature wishlist extrude, revolve, sweep, loft, fillet, shell, mirror and intersection.

    Tool to weld objects together.

    Common parts close at hand and easy to modify ex. hinges, gears, common motor mounts, joints (I just published a bayonet joint)

    High quality graphic feedback based on the target 3D printer, nozzle size and settings to show quality of surface, missed fine details, dropped overhangs, etc.

    Published objects include the best setting and orientation info for a fast or a high quality print based on material used ex Natureworks 4043D and should load up automatically into Cura.

    I hope that's useful!

    Scott Vader



  5. I'm running two blade nano RC helicopter tail rotors on the fan circuit. This is what I found out in doing it. The fan circuit has an NPN (low side) darlington transistor BD679 as a pwm circuit. That transistor is rated for 4 Amps. However, I couldn't get even 1 Amp from it due to noise problems that I couldn't solve. I put a 1K resistor across the connection and then built my own power control circuit using just the signal. I used a MOSFET and took power from the Ultimaker to run it.



    Scott Vader


  6. Such great work!

    I was going down the blower road suggested by BaasB but then realized we actually want high air flow with low mass. The frequent answer to that problem is a propeller.

    Here's my recent cooling system upgrade. The standard Ultimaker fan and duct weighs about 25 grams and pushes about 3 grams per second of air. This mod uses two Blade Nano RC helicopter tail rotors. They weigh under 3 grams each and they push about 9 grams of air per second each. So an order of magnitude more air. With the mass saved, I added a camera and still kept everything under 25 grams.

    Initial testing indicates it allows the Ultimaker to run about twice as fast on PLA.

    It's up on thingiverse at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:125244

    The camera is pretty fun. I was at Detroit Maker Faire this weekend with the UItimaker with this set-up. People were walking by the other 3D printers and then saying "look, they've taken a video and then sped it up so you can see it building ... No sir that's real time video of an Ultimaker.


    20130720 213301

    20130725 115740

    20130730 142338[1]


  7. Hi Guys

    I'm new to the list.

    BaasB, such a great idea! I've been looking to upgrade the cooling system as well. I've looked at various ducts and some of my own using Solidworks Flow Simulation, sort of a computerized wind tunnel. Nick, your Tapir Shroud is one of the best.

    UPDATED, Sorry I had this wrong, now corrected:

    The fan circuit has an NPN (low side) darlington transistor BD679 as a pwm circuit. That transistor is rated for 4 Amps. However, I couldn't get even 1 Amp from it due to noise problems. I was able to put a 1K resistor across the connection and then build my own power control circuit using just the signal.

    The reprap wiki in the Ultimaker board says this about the fan output:


    • [*]
    55 Amp MOSFETs outputs (with LED indicators. Actual current capability limited by PCB and connectors)



    So in theory, 500 watts but with the practical limitation of the board maybe 30 watts, still there's quite a bit more power available there than used by the stock 1.2 watt fan.

    What about vacuum instead of pressure? Vacuum draws air from all directions, so would be naturally more uniform in cooling. I'm thinking just hook up a shop vac for testing and later when ideal flow, vacuum and plenum are figured out then choose a blower or pump to go on the Ultimaker.

    Incidentally, I've made a 3D printing test part that I'm using for bench marking the cooling system and changes I want to try. Just posted to thingiverse. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:113440



  8. I hope you'll tell me if this is bad form to extend this thread, I don't know the etiquette.

    My V2 hot end doesn't have the issue with the PEEK bushing that MrcDesign experienced. The flange on the brass pipe is tight to the PEEK bushing and the top of the brass pipe is tight to the teflon insulator.

    I did review the v4 extruder assembly instructions and now realize that I have a v3 extruder. I received my Ultimaker in March and it looks like v4 with the black injection molded strain relief came out in April. I'm a bit skeptical of whether that will ultimately solve the issue. The legris style push-in fitting is designed to take positive outward pull from internal air pressure in a pneumatic system. The new versions of Cura use retraction which will cause a push-in force on the bowden tube. That's what you do to release the tube from a push-in fitting.

    Still I'd like to try to upgrade my machine to a v4 extruder.

    Is it possible to get that black injection molded wing shaped strain relief part?


    Scott Vader


  9. Hi All

    My first post. Please excuse any missteps.

    I have a similar problem to MrcDesign. The bowden tube seems to back-out from the hot end easily. I took it apart and noticed it was chewed up a bit where the metal teeth in the white retaining collet are supposed to grip the 1/4" tube. I cut off half an inch to put fresh material in front of the teeth. Still didn't seem to grip. I did a temporary fix so I could keep printing by cutting a couple of flaps into the bowden tube kind of like gills on a fish that would hook the collet so it couldn't back out. That worked but it won't likely last.

    IMHO opinion there's something wrong with the detailing of the wood hole that the white collet fits into on the extruder end. I did a little experiment. I can't pull the bowden tube out of the stepper end where it plugs into a standard 1/4" legris style push-in fitting that includes collet and mating body. I took the grey collet out of the stepper end and placed it into the wood bore in the extruder. The bowden tube pulls out easily. I put the white collet into the push-in body on the stepper end and again I can't pull out the bowden tube.

    I think my permanent fix is going to be to put in a standard 1/4" legris push-in fitting on the extruder end as well.

    best regards

    Scott Vader


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