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Posts posted by fons

  1. Add some more photos of the wires where they change colors and where you have added junctions. I have the same heated bed. The two sensor wires on the connector on the bed are the middle pair but the colors of the wires on my bed are completely different. Make sure the two center wires are what you have connected to the two outer pins on the sensor input.

    For now, you should disconnect power to the bed and the lines to the relay until you get the temperature reading correctly.

    When you power the printer on, the bed should read around room temp / 21C.


    Resistors aren't polarized so they can be connected in either direction. The resistor looks correct.

    Also, I looked closer at the wring from the heated bed output to the relay and it looks correct. The control side of the relay is polarized and the way you have it connected is correct.

    Does the LED on the relay light up when you try to preheat the bed?


    Hi Anon 4321,

    I was away longer than expected, but when I got back immediately continued as you said , disconnected the power and found out that the sensor on the bottom of the heated bed was only soldered at one side (by gently pushing the temperature was displayed on the control display . When I soldered the sensor, I could finally start printing, thank you so much !


    Fons .


  2. Thank you anon4321 !

    I followed your instructions,took option 1(changed the file in Arduino), etc. finally I have a normal screen in my Ulticontroller with letter H and functioning menu, but …i have no control over the heated bed temperature .

    When I do for example a preheat PLA for the bed, it gives my 0°/70, the extruder head fan starts to turn , but the temperature of the heated bed does not change . It should indicate at least the room temperature ?

    The resistor is soldered in its place but is there also a direction of the resistor ? Is there a systematic approach in finding the problem possibly ?




  3. Hi,

    I have installed a heated bed on my Ultimaker Original (with Ulticontroller) .

    The heated bed is bought a few weeks ago from 3Dprinting_HK, you all know .

    Upon installation, I added my modified printer as a new machine into Cura 14.07 upon which the 'default firmware' for this configuration (Ultimaker Original / extruder drive upgrade / heated printer bed(self built) ) has been installed .

    Then I get this reading on the Ulticontroller https://www.flickr.com/photos/128060614@N02/

    and the Ulticontroller hangs .

    I can achieve communication again only when I install the firmware for a printer without heated bed ( machine settings in Cura ) .

    in the other case I get a message : Failed to write firmware. 'Timeout'

    I have read some similar topics on this issue, this means the problem is known and clear . Is the answer also clear ? What causes this ? How can I fix the problem ?

    Thanks !



  4. Cool, glad it was an easy fix. For my heated bed on the UM1, I built the firmware.

    However, others have used that marlin builder. Maybe someone else can help.



    I noticed in different topics on the forum that you( anon4321) had encountered and resolved that problem with installing a self built heated bed . I have read your replies and others carefully, but I find it difficult to execute, especially the part of flash the Arduino . Would it be possible to help me a little bit further ?

    I have the self-built Ultimaker with the Ulticontroller which all worked fine . Then I have updated Cura to 14.07 and installed the heated bed kit (from Jason HK) . When I added the new configuration in Cura, I could upgrade the firmware for 'self-built heated bed' , which I did . After that I got the error : max bed temp on the Ulticontroller . The communication also got blocked .This is a known story I presume , but to be sure..

    This is the error report :

    Changing monitoring state from 'Offline' to 'Detecting serial port'

    Connecting to: /dev/cu.usbmodemfd121 (programmer)

    Error while connecting to /dev/cu.usbmodemfd121: 'Timeout'

    Serial port list: ['/dev/cu.usbmodemfd121']

    Connecting to: /dev/cu.usbmodemfd121 with baudrate: 250000 (auto)

    Trying baudrate: 230400

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 115200

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 57600

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 38400

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 19200

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 9600

    Send: M105

    Changing monitoring state from 'Detecting serial port' to 'Closed'

    Changing monitoring state from 'Closed' to 'Error: No more baudrates to test, and no s...'

    Connection closed, closing down monitor


    Is the only solution still to take out the Arduino part and 'flash ' it with the Arduino software ? Because , I took out the Arduino, made connection through the Arduino software ( for me this was all first time and rather unknown stuff, but I am willing to learn more about it) and I also built the firmware with Marlinbuilder as you mentioned before . In Arduino I have opened an new sketch with the firmware file (Marlin.hex.text). When I let Arduino compile this file it gives me the following error message and this is where it ends for me .

    core.a(main.cpp.o): In function `main':

    /Users/aum/Downloads/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/main.cpp:34: undefined reference to `setup'

    /Users/aum/Downloads/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/main.cpp:44: undefined reference to `loop'


    Can you give advice ? Should I persist in flashing the Arduino (how?) or is it possible to go around this ?




  5. Hi,

    I have an Ultimaker Original with Ulticontroller and bought the heated bed kit from Jason HK some weeks ago .

    I am not able to load the default or custom firmware Marlin.hex.txt to my Ultimaker, not through Cura 14.07, 14.06 nor 14.03 . From the moment I add a machine with heated bed, a timeout is reported and the communication is gone between Cura and Ulticontroller is gone . This is the error report :

    Changing monitoring state from 'Offline' to 'Detecting serial port'

    Connecting to: /dev/cu.usbmodemfd121 (programmer)

    Error while connecting to /dev/cu.usbmodemfd121: 'Timeout'

    Serial port list: ['/dev/cu.usbmodemfd121']

    Connecting to: /dev/cu.usbmodemfd121 with baudrate: 250000 (auto)

    Trying baudrate: 230400

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 115200

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 57600

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 38400

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 19200

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 9600

    Send: M105

    Changing monitoring state from 'Detecting serial port' to 'Closed'

    Changing monitoring state from 'Closed' to 'Error: No more baudrates to test, and no s...'

    Connection closed, closing down monitor

    I càn resume the communication through installing the default firmware in Cura 14.06 and 14.03 without the heated bed . I must admit that it occurred first to me when I was upgrading to 14.07 .

    I was not aware of the problem of which I now read different articles on the forum . Is the only solution still to take out the Arduino part and 'flash ' it with the Arduino software ? And if so, how do you manage to get the Marlin.hex.text (from Marlinbuilder) into the Arduino software ? This is something that I tried but had to give up because of error message

    core.a(main.cpp.o): In function `main':

    /Users/aum/Downloads/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/main.cpp:34: undefined reference to `setup'

    /Users/aum/Downloads/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/main.cpp:44: undefined reference to `loop'


    Can someone give me advice ? I work from Macbook Pro and have little knowledge of electronics, but I am willing to learn more .




  6. Hello Bas,

    Thank you for your reply . I now feel more sure about what to do . I am preparing a new print on this moment with the settings you mentioned . These are a bit more extreme than what I tried before, so this could be positive .

    This is print is estimated to take 21 hours, but the lower part might be visible by tonight . I will let you know the result,

    Dankjewel !



  7. Hi,

    For a while I am trying to print a kind of bowl in PLA (photo album attached) .I tried different temperatures between 210 and 225°C with different speeds . The infill was always set to 20% . Also not changed the shell thickness . When it is printing the lower part, it makes contact with the material, because of a deformation by the temperature I guess . I used brim an then raft to prevent this . Raft helped but not completely . Do I need another support structure ? Must I look at the other settings within Cura ?



    Foto Op 11 11 1346 Om 10.23Foto Op 11 11 1346 Om 10.24


  8. Following on the tip of setting the speed in Cura always to 100mm/s :

    If you set the speed at for example 60mm/s in Cura , does it show this number in the Ulticontroller interface (print speed shown when you go into the TUNE submenu from Ulticontroller)? I constantly get the same FR feed ratio as the speed indicates while printing even when I set the speed for example at 60mm/s in Cura .So the initial print speed which I set in Cura never appears in the Ulticontroller interface . Is this normal ? It isn't handy .Thanks for your reply ,



  9. Hi,

    Although this answer is far too late to be good, I just want to thank you for the advice given . We managed to transfer an acceptable smooth shape to Cura through adjusting parameters in Solidworks as Chuleo advised . Meanwhile I am struggling to print the object which made me forget to reply to this one, this I will post in another topic .

    Thanks again to Chuleo and Illuminarti,

    Aum .


  10. Hi,

    Is it normal that Solidworks has difficulties to make a smooth STL file, especially round shaped models . Rising the resolution when exporting is an option of course but is also very demanding for our desktop .Is there a better way to convert from Solidworks, being able to import into Cura and have it printed smooth .

    Has anyone encountered a similar issue ?



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