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Posts posted by zhonghello

  1. Dears,

    I want to build marlin firmware with makefile, and I have installed Arduino 1.5.2 and the install path is G:/software.

    Then I changed makefile as below:

    # This defined the board you are compiling for (see Configuration.h for the options)



    # Arduino source install directory, and version number

    ARDUINO_INSTALL_DIR ?= G:/software/arduino-1.5.2-windows/arduino-1.5.2



    # You can optionally set a path to the avr-gcc tools. Requires a trailing slash. (ex: /usr/local/avr-gcc/bin)

    AVR_TOOLS_PATH ?= G:/software/arduino-1.5.2-windows/arduino-1.5.2/hardware/tools/avr/bin/


    After changed the makefile, from a command prompt, I change into Marlin directory, and then type 'make', it shows below error:


    make: *** No rule to make target `G:/Marlin/applet/wiring.o', neede

    d by `G:/Marlin/applet/Marlin.elf'. Stop.


    Very appreciated if any help~

    PS: Actually, I am not sure about the arduino version :152



  2. Hello gr5,

    Very appreciated for sharing your experience in printing the tower.

    I use UM2 to print such thing and the cura version is 14.06.

    As you said, the scale is very critical. Firstly ,I try to print without scaling up and I found it difficult to finish the first arche.

    Then I scaled the model up to 1.5 times, that is about 7.1 inches tall, and I can print the tower to the second arche.

    But it is difficult to continue~

    Now, I will try it again by scaling up the model more and with 100% fan speed~

    BTW, you said "In 3 pieces" , what does that mean? detach the model with 3 seperated parts?


  3. Dear nallath,

    You are right~

    I just have some experience with C, and know a little with C++, totally new hand for python.

    I admit that my question is too basic :-P

    I think I should learn more necessary skills before changing cura source code...

    However, very appreciated for your answer :-P


  4. Thank Didier and Dim3nsineer for quick answer~

    However, I think it amazing if we can control a 3D printer with a friendly user interface like fronterface.

    Also I think it convenient to solve some issues by moving XYZ axis a little, preheating, changing temperature, extruding though pronterface. But we can only print with cura... :-|

    And I think it great if wifi function can be integrated in 3D printer :-P


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