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Posts posted by duesentrieb

  1. Hi,

    right now I am useing a very simple enclosure for my Ultimaker. It´s kind of a heat tent on top and all sides closed workes very fine with a heated bed. Improves print quality a lot. Also changed to direct dirve, which works like charm. Getting very accurate parts with great repeatability.

    Working on another printer and it will get a closed heat chamber. I will use the following setup:

    1) Electric room heater, 230V, 750W, sth. like this: http://www.amazon.de/Konvektor-Heizung-Elektroheizung-2000-W/dp/B009NEEQ2W/ref=pd_sim_diy_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=0DWEB50X44AQBSVBAZZQ

    (Has 2000W, but two coils. If I use this one, then I will only use the 750W coil. There are cheaper and weaker ones, but this one got a metal housing. Won´t give me problems with melting plastic... This defvice in it´s original state is safe, you can´t touch the heater wire etc. Got a CE mark, but be careful and know what you are doing if you modify it)

    2) Solid state relay to controll the heater with the standard Arduino based PCB.

    3) 12V radial fan like this one: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Querstromlufter-Motor-links-12-V-X-Fan-DF43300-L/400782210311

    Foehnsturm gave me the idea with his cross flow fan approach and I used it as crossflow fan for quite a time. It´s made of metal and it´s possible to keep the motor out of the heated zone. Ideal solution. I think this type of fan is also used in kitchen ovens, but not 100% sure. On the package it says it´s actually made for heat management. Perfect.

    4) Safety switch, which automatically switches off the whole printer, if the temperature inside the chamber is higher than 120°C.

    Building this solution requires working with 230V mains. All on your own risk. I won´t take any responsibility. Don´t do it if you do not have the required skills and knowledge. Safety first!

    Won´t fit into a standard Ultimaker, but maybe an inspiration. Also be carefull with the material for your enclosure and also the one the Ultimaker itself is made of. It might catch fire! Especially if you have an Ultimaker original made of wood.

    Hope this gives you an idea.

    All the best,



  2. Brilliant idea! Love that one. I also like your direct extruder and flexdrive approach. Hope I will soon have the time to start thinkering with my printer as well.

    About the garage, that name inspired me to an idea. Thinking about special garages, where you can park one car upon the other, because they have a lift. What if you just had sth. like a lift for the garage with the unused print head? The garage could swing away or just being lifted above the area where the print head moves with a parallelogram type hinge. To operate this lift a very cheap, simple and fast solution would be this motor for a central locking system of a car:


    Can lift up to 7,5kg, which is more than enough, travels 20mm, is fast and requires only 12V to operate. If you use a spring to keep it in the upper position, all you need to do, if you want to change is, put 12V on the motor for the change time and if no voltage is applied it would lift automatically. Used them on another project and wired them up to an Arduino, with a Transistor amplifing the signal. The only thing is you need an additional I/O pin on the electronics. There are free ones, but im not sure which one is best and if maybe another unused M-code for this PIN exists.

    Saves print space, but increases complexity. With this setup you could even change between more than 2 print heads.

    Just my 5 cents. Not sure if it is worth the work.


  3. I think the version of Cura called "pink unicorn" probably does this. I think you can have parameters per part or per layer. But that might not come out for months. In the mean time one solution is to make your brim in CAD. I do that sometimes.


    :???: All I wanted for Christmas was a pink unicorn. I think we have to talk to Santa Daid... :-P


  4. What about the Z-seam and small blobs comeing from stringing, when the printhead does not move inside the case. Anybody solved this? Is S3D better in this aspect? Is it worth the money or is the difference very small. I like Cura a lot and the overall print quality improved a lot with the new software update. No Z-seam on most prints, but on the fairphone. This really gives me headaches.


  5. Hey,

    had the same proble half a year ago. As you said, the fan could be responsible for this. It´s using PWM for speed control and when not running at full speed a lot of pulses are being sent through its wire. Neither the fan cable nor the thermocouple cable is shielded and the thermocouple is very prone to interference. So the fan causes wrong temperature readings. Easiest way to avoid this is to either turn the fan completely on or off, but nothing in between. The better way is to separate these two cables from one another. That should help.




  6. Moin,

    das Stringing kann auch daran liegen, dass du eventuell ein anderes Material verwendest und die Temperatur dafür etwas zu hoch ist. Probier mal folgendes, lade dir (oder bau es dir kurz selbst) ein kleines gut geeignetes Testobjekt für Stringing runter. z.B. zwei 5mm Säulen im Abstand von 2 cm oder so. Drucke das mit deinen normalen Einstellungen. Dann senke alle 5mm die Temperatur des Hotends um 5°C ab. Meistens findest du dann eine Temperatur bei der das Stringing stark abnimmt oder im Idealfall komplett verschwunden ist. Diese Temperatur nimmst du dann als Ausgangspunkt und erhöhst sie wieder leicht, bis du den Punkt wo das Stringing anfängt exakt hast und leicht, 2°C oder so drunter bleibst. Es gab zu dem Thema auch einen Post von gr5 wo er das mit Bildern dokumentiert hat.

    Hoffe das hilft dir weiter. Viel Spaß beim Experimentieren.

    Viele Grüße,



  7. Hi Walter,

    Normally when I have that problem, it simply can´t save. Two reasons I figured out:


    1. SD card is full (found some very old 32MB cards, they work fine but only enough space for 1 or 2 models)
    2. Ejected the SD card too many times without safely removing before. Go to the disk utility program on your mac and format the SD card. That´s it. Mine worked fine afterwards.

    Hope this helps.




  8. That printer has some very interesting features. Especially that they got some kind of dual extrusion running, although they don´t use it for support, but for printing with two different nozzle sizes on one part. The features are interesting, but I prefer different XYZ-moving systems than the Mendel one.


  9. Hallo dealmen,

    meiner Meinung nach sollte man entweder eine Fräse oder einen Drucker bauen, ansonsten hat man zum Schluss dann weder eine gute Fräse noch einen guten Drucker.




    Trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf. Die Anforderungen sind entgegen gesetzt.

    3D Drucker: Druckkopf möglichst leicht, geringe bewegte Massen, möglichst schnell

    Fräse: Stabilität, Masse um Vibrationen zu dämpfen, möglichst viel Kraft, langsame Vorschübe, Druckkopf möglichst stabil und verwindungssteif

    Wenn man das unter einen Hut bringen will kommt nen fauler Kompromiss dabei raus. Hinzu kommt, dass ne Fräse jede Menge Späne macht und du die denke ich nicht in deinem 3D Druck haben möchtest. Sprich du musst das Ding anschliessend bestens reinigen... Dachte anfangs ich würde zusätzlich ne CNC-Fräse brauchen. Habe aber inzwischen festgestellt, dass nen 3D-Drucker viel vielseitiger ist, Plastik viel stabiler als gedacht und längst nicht überall gefräste Teile erforderlich sind. Warte darauf, dass hier demnächst das Fablab aufmacht. Die Fräse da ist viel besser und größer als es mein Eigenbau je gewesen wäre und ich verdrecke meine Werkstatt damit nicht.


  10. I don´t know what you are actually planning to print and sell, but Ultimaker is a very good choice when it comes to high quality prints. To get the best results, you need experience, but this forum will help you. I started printing with PLA on my UM1. Which is easiert than ABS for the beginning. For most purposes PLA is fine, but if the temperature is higher than 50°C, it starts getting soft. ABS is fine until up to 110°C, if I remember correctly. XT is more stable and can be used for higher temperatures than PLA. It´s an alternative to ABS. Nylon is another one. Colorfabb and Faberdashery are great, but especially for Nylon Taulmann is a good alternative.


  11. Yes, makes definitely sense. Core XY seems to be one of the best systems for larger printers. I am not sure where exact the border ist, but I would use core XY when going bigger than 500x500mm and maybe the Ultimaker gantry for smaller ones. But core XY also works for smaller systems. Working on a large one, but gut too many other "small" side projects... So it will take some time. Hope it´s finished by the end of the year.


  12. With Daid on Dual Extrusion for now and no Beta version out yet I don't expect much new on that side but it would be nice :)


    Seems like we have to print another Daid...no better... more Daids. Can´t wait for the pink unicorn and the banishing of the Z-seam. Working dual extrusion is also nice, with a solvable material AWESOME...


  13. Moin,

    der Schlauch ist meine ich ein US-Druckluftschlauch. Sollte einen Innendurchmesser von 3,18 haben, wenn ich mich recht erinnere. Ist verdammt schwer hier zu kriegen. Normalerweise bekommst du nur Schlauch in mm Abstufungen. 3mm Innendurchmesser ist zu gering und mit 4mm hat das Filament mehr Spiel. Wirkt sich meine ich negativ beim retracten aus, versuchen kann mans aber. Habe mit meinem Schlauch keine Probleme. Sicher, dass das die Ursache ist?

    Viele Grüße,



  14. Doch geht. Ist allerdings nen bisschen tricky. Im Prinzip musst du rausfinden bis zu was für einem layer gedruckt wurde (messen oder abzählen), den entsprechendem Layer im g-Code finden (einfach mit einem Texteditor öffnen und nach Layer XY suchen), den Rest des g-Codes, abgesehen von den allerersten Zeilen, dem Start Code löschen und den Druck wieder starten. Du musst allerdings eine Zeile ergänzen die deinen Filamentcounter auf den entsprechenden Wert setzt.

    So das grobe Vorgehen. Ist hier irgendwo im Forum auch detailliert auf Englisch beschrieben. Musst mal nach googeln. Hab das einmal gemacht. Hat funktioniert, war aber ne Heidenarbeit.

    Viele Grüße,



  15. Did this mod some days ago. Works awesome, improved print quality and made the machine more reliable (no short belts loosening over the time and making holes oval). I used Nick´s corner which is absolutely great and fits perfect (Thanks, Nick!). I did not use longer rods, but made some small blocks which moved the ball bearings more into the middle. Just drew sth. up in 5 mins which is like the mod linked somewhere in this thread. I combined this with Astrosyn dampers to reduce the noise level significantly and Chopmeisters Twister Blocks (Well done, dude!). After improvising a heated chamber ABS prints also come out great. It´s not an Ultimaker Original anymore… But I love it and the print quality is better than ever. Also printed out a new small drive gear for the extruder because I installed an Astrosyn damper on the extruder motor also. The small gear looks perfect. Didn´t know that an Ultimaker can make such detailed prints. You can see the small polygons if you have a very close look at it.


  16. That´s true, Anon. It´s different from "normal" CAD programs which are optimized for mechanical modeling. I don´t know how Zbrush or other programs which 3D artist use for modeling of their characters, work. But Moi seems to be sth. inbetween. You can do mechanical modeling, but you can also add points and handles and use free form operations which are not common for mechanical modeling tools.


  17. I used 123D but it´s very limited and you have to do a lot of work arounds to do some normal operations like additional work planes. It´s only possible to save files in the proprietary 123d file format or .stl. You cannot open STEP, IGES or other standard file formats.

    I am useing Moi3D now, which is awesome. The 300 bucks are well invested. It´s the most intuitive CAD program I have used so far. I prefer it to even more "professional" and much more expensive CAD programs. You can download a 30 days test version, which has the same functionality like the full version. It runs very smooth even on older systems. Totally love it.


  18. Sounds interesting. Started printing with ABS recently and had a lot of problems with adhesion. If there is no need for ABS slurry anymore it could be interesting. Did not test PEI surfaces yet, which also sound very interesting. Thought about that maybe a rough glass surface might do the trick. Didn´t have the time yet to try or buy one... Would be interesting to hear what you came up with.


  19. Just deinstalled my cross flow fan after half a year of useage. For some parts and materials it was great, for others not. I think I will change the wiring later so that I can switch between cross flow and small head mounted fans. For PLA the cross flow fan works. With ABS I had the problem that it cooled down the heated bed too much so parts became loose and the whole print was ruined. Right now I need a lot of ABS parts, so I am not useing it. With vibration and noise I did not have any problems because it offered a lot more cooling than needed so most of the time I ran it with the lowest possible setting to keep it still constantly spinning, around 18 PWM and at that speed it is very quiet.

    The downside is, you have a good side and a bad side of a print. The good one is the one faceing the fan, the bad the other one. For some prints it doesn´t matter, for other especially with overhangs it does. It is a good concept but in my opinion not the non plus ultra. Maybe it´s also only my exact setup which needs optimization or higher requirements I have now... don´t know.

    I am curious which experiences you will make with this setup, Jonny.


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