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Posts posted by stuart838

  1. Hi All,

    First major issue I've had with the printer and it's a bit strange...

    I start a print and all seems ok (I have noticed the occasional knocking sound in the movement but not all the time). After the first layer, there is a loud noise (stepper/belt skipping?) and the print head tries to move beyond the edge. Then that makes everything go out of line and I have to abort.

    Now the confession - I got my finger caught in it when trying to remove some stringing for a 'work in progress' picture. This made the belt slip and the print head go out of line. But, after aborting the print and restarting, it printed ok (and then another part after it).

    Every print will now fail with the symptoms described above. :(

    Please help


  2. Hi All!

    I'm having trouble finding the option to print one part at a time on the new Cura (on a mac if that makes any difference).

    Tried searching the forum but no joy... Someone point me in the right direction?




    Also... I tried using the older version of Cura just to get this done and I get an error;


    Info: Print one at a time mode disabled. Object too tall.


    (The part is very small)

  3. I wasn't paying enough attention to it to answer the fan question... I'll be printing the first two again and will pay closer attention when I do. I'll also fire up Cura and set the infill to 30%.

    Trying not to be too distracted by it when I should be working. Super exciting stuff!


  4. Just got my Ulitmaker2 and managed to set aside some time today to get it set up for first prints... considering it takes minutes to set up, I had no excuses really!

    There was a slight problem with the robot (when it started the 'belly') but a really nice first print... very happy with it!

    First robot

    Next thing I tried was already on the SD card... coffin's cube... had an under extrusion problem part way into the first piece and the top of it didn't print properly.



    All I have done so far is print from the SD card... no tinkering. So for that reason I'm very happy with the prints... blemishes n' all :)


  5. Just a quick question for those who received a FedEx tracking number, did you receive an email with your tracking number or did you have to check your account. Mine is slated to ship out this week, OMG :shock:, via FedEx and was just wondering how you got your FedEx tracking number.


    Got the tracking number in my notification email from Ultimaker

    I picked mine up today from FedEx after a missed delivery yesterday - fortunately it all worked out.... Just need to find some time to set it up now! :D

  6. Shipped FedEx.... no wonder DHL couldn't find it! lol

    The super long number was the tracking number for fedex... it is already in Toronto for clearance :cool:

    Left on the 26th.

    Arrived in Memphis, TN the next day.

    "Import delay".

    Arrived in Toronto today.

    I'm away from Sunday til Tuesday :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Still, it is so close now :D


  7. DHL doesn't have a record of my shipment - I thought I was just checking too early when I checked after getting my email from Ultimaker.... but it still can't find it.

    Sander, maybe you can confirm for me...

    Has it shipped?

    Was it shipped DHL?

    What is the tracking number?

    (the email gave me 'tracking information:' with a 34 character long number)


  8. I have to say Sander was away all of last week representing ultimaker in America ! I guess the poor guy has a mountain of hundreds of emails he is busting his hump getting through !



    It was read, I can see it was read... Saying, "sorry, I will look into it" or "i'll be updating via the forum/email on friday at the latest" takes a few seconds. If there is time to open and read it, there is time to type a quick message. Also, I assume the majority of mails are likely to be about this issue, so a copy and paste of the same message will take even less time ;)

    I am trying not to be too angry about this - I like Ultimaker, I just can't stand bad customer service.


  9. I'm in the same boat as 3Poro - Due to my travel schedules with work, I emailed a few times to get as accurate a ship date as possible. Again, I didn't want special treatment, in fact I said I don't mind if it is delayed. I just needed to know. I was assured (twice) the week before it was due to ship that it would be sent out in the 8th week of my 6-8 weeks (possibly beginning of the 9th week, but either way it should arrive end of 9th week - transit time dependant, of course).

    Since then I have heard nothing... at all. That was 15 days ago. I don't expect a phone call but I do expect a reply to one of my emails, or the PM to Sander that I sent a couple of days ago.

    The radio silence is what is hurting me, not the delay of shipment.


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