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Everything posted by closedcircuit

  1. Merci pour les infos et bravo! Est-ce que tu as fini la peinture, et si oui, est-ce que tu arriverais à poster une ou deux photos? Phil
  2. Thank you all for your replies and helpful comments. This is really appreciated and I like the fact that the community is obviously very, very active. In addition, hearing back from people who work at Ultimaker was great. Before going any further, I want to stress that I was very happy to see that my grumpy post made it through the moderator. The fact that Ultimaker allows less than glorious comments on its forum shows a lot of maturity and a willingness to improve. This is very reassuring. Thank you and well done. By way of an update, and following on from my post, Simone emailed me late last night to say that she would contact her colleagues from logistics “first thing” in the morning. She hasn’t yet come back to me, but I’m sure that she is about to do so as the morning ended a little over four hours ago. I’ll post an update once I hear back from her and/or if I receive a tracking number. P.S. – Sander: I wouldn’t mind a call from you if you can find 2min in your very busy diary…
  3. I'm experiencing some serious customer service issues and I'm trying to ascertain if I'm being unlucky or if it is a sign of things to come. The email enclosed below is self-explanatory and I would appreciate any comment or advice that people may have... It's probably worth mentioning that my UM2 was ordered back in December and that I have given Simone several chances to get things right.
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