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Everything posted by 43tesseracts

  1. When I go to "Move Material" in the maintenance menu, the temperature goes up to 210 (PLA) and says to turn the wheel to move material. But when I turn the wheel nothing happens. No sounds or motion form the extruder motor. Help?
  2. I'm trying to clear a clog according to the U2 Manual. In the maintenance settings I can change the temperature to 260. I can also move material. But I can't do both at the same time? When I try to move material, it waits till the temp goes back to 210. How do I do this?
  3. When I try to change the filament on my U2, it reverses the extruder moter and goes fast, but it stops before the material is out, so I have to cancel and do it a second time to get the material all the way out. Usually there is an inch or tow left in the feeder tube above the toothed bolt. Is there a way to manually pull it out or to increase the reversal time? Thanks!
  4. It turns out the nozzle was getting clogged, coincidentally, at about the same point everytime. So it wasn't specific to the model. Thanks for the tip about Layer view! I didn't know I could do that =)
  5. Thanks folks. It appears the metal bar on the limit switch (x-axis) is missing.
  6. I've tried to print this model twice on my UM2, but it seems to think it's done only about a 1/4 of the way through the model. I opened the gcode created by Cura in Repetier-Host (to visualize it) and the gcode for the entire model is there. It's the 16x16 link model here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:8724
  7. I just opened my Ultimaker 2, and followed all the instructions. When it tried to home the z axis it creaked and complained because the glass plate was packed underneath the build plate and it couldn't reach the limit switch I assume. Then when it went to home the print head, the y-axis (forward and back) seemed to home fine, but the x-axis (left and right) just kept grinding. I can't seem to see a limit switch for the x-axis. Any ideas?
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