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Everything posted by tomkooij

  1. While changing filament, it turns out the PLA broke around the hobbed bolt. The feeder reversed but the filament is still in the bowden tube from feeder to nozzle. Do I remove feeder(cover) and pull out the filament? Or do I push new filament in and let it push through? (I'm thinking option 1 is a little more work, but a clogged nozzle due to option 2 is a lot more work...)
  2. Beautiful work. A nice example of "remix and share". True Open-Source. In my opinion Ultimaker can only benefit from developments such as these.
  3. UM2 using UM orange PLA at 230 C: No extrusion problems but getting ugly from 7mm3/s.
  4. Glueing the wires as per illuminarti's instructions "is scheduled" first thing monday morning Thanks again for the help.
  5. The LED strips were loose from the ultimaker frame in the top left corner. I'm not sure if this caused the flickering. I cannot reproduce the flickering when touching the LED strips. Hope it does not turn out to be a PSU problem.
  6. Our two week old Ultimaker has flickering lights. Not due to PWM/heating but "lose-contact" flickering. The lights flicker on and off while printing. Probably due to the belts hitting the LED wiring. I haven't been able to find the exact spot yet. Any thoughts?
  7. That solves it! Thanks. At least in the gcode/layer preview it seems to be solved. I will have to wait until tomorrow to print.
  8. I printed a minion keychain (thingiverse) using Cura 14.01 and Cura 14.03rc7. The top part of the minion (the keychain ring) is filled in (closed) although it is not closed in the .STL file. The screenshots are from Cura 14.01. In 14.01 only the left ring is filled. In Cura 14.03 only a bottom layer seems filled, but in the print the entire ring is filled: (Part printed on UM2 using Cura 14.03rc7 gcode) I tried printing with Cura 14.01 but then only left half had filled ring. The right was only partially filled in bottom layers. This seems like a slicing bug. Or is it a settings thing?
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