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carsten last won the day on September 3 2017

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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2
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  1. Now, that the hero of my childhood has died, i´d like to show you this little diorama. I started some time ago, but i finished it today. All vehicles are printed with a 0.25 nozzle, the landscape with a 0.4 nozzle. Most of the parts are made in 3dsMax and Zbrush. I hope you like it and godspeed, Roger[/media]
  2. Finished this weekend. You can download the stl at: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/alien-bust-3878 but my print has more details, because i resculpted them in zbrush.
  3. Hi, it´s been a long time... So here are a few pictures of my latest project. This is a Ma.K "Fliege". I bought a plastic kit from japan and it was a little too small (1:20). I build a new one with 3dsmax and printed it with my ultimaker2. [/media][/media]
  4. I got my 3dSolex today and i must be a lucky guy, since there was no problem to get the steelcoupler and the temp sensor out! To be honest, it was so easy, that i think i missed something... Up to now i´m printing with the 0.4 Nozzle and it looks good. The only thing thats new, is a vibrating noise, when the printer retracts. I´ll test the other nozzles, soon.
  5. So much usefull information! @pixl2 thats exactly why i asked for things one should know... I would not have found a solution for that by myself! Thanks again for posting, guys!
  6. Thank you for answering gr5 and DidierKlein! Your comments will help me to get the 3dSolex to work. Do you have some information regarding a 0.25 nozzle? Like at what speed and layerthickness this should be used? I´d like to print some small and very detailed parts with that nozzle. Thanks again for your help!
  7. Hello, i´d like to buy the 3dSolex kit, but i´m not a pro user. Are there any instructions or tips, how to adjust the bedlevel after installing a new nozzle and what parameter have to be adjusted in Cura? And are there any other things that one should know? I know that some of you already have this kit and i would like to hear what your experience is like. Thanks in advance, Carsten
  8. Ok, erstmal Danke! Der Punkt ist aber, das ich nirgendwo einen Kontakt zwischen den Riemen und dem Gehäuse oder anderen Gegenständen sehen kann. Ich muss mir das wohl noch mal genauer ansehen. Ich glaube aber, das sich der Riemen in der Führung teilweise verdreht....
  9. Moin, heute habe ich "schwarzes Pulver" auf dem Motor hinten links (Ultimaker2) gefunden. Ich vermute das sich einer der schwarzen Riemen zerreibt und die Brösel dann auf den Motor fallen. Kennt jemand dieses Problem und gibt es eine Lösung dafür? Ersatzteile (Riemen) für den U2 konnte ich im Shop nicht finden. Ich habe auch keine Ahnung wie aufwendig ein Austausch sein würde. Für Tipps wäre ich, wie immer, sehr dankbar!
  10. Hi, i managed to paint the smaller version of my Facehugger. Please excuse the base, i would have used some filler on it, but since it is a birthday present, i had to finish it just in time.
  11. Hi, i´d like to describe my experience with Ultimaker Support. First of all, please excuse my english, it´s not my native language. As i got my Ultimaker2 i was surprised by it´s great printquality and allthough it is my first 3d Printer, i was able to make some awesome prints from the start. But after about 2 months of excessive printing, some problems start to worry me. I got more and more underextrusion. I tried different filaments and temperaturesettings, but nothing worked for me. I got me some help from this forum and i tried anything but still no success. I disassembled the material feeder and cleaned the nozzle and than i was sure that it had to be the material feeder, because the nozzle was always clean. So i wrote to Ultimaker Support and asked them for help. After 2-3 days i got an answer from Marrit Hoffmans and she asked me if i could send her some pictures of my failed prints. I did so and she confirmed that it was underextrusion. She asked me to do some tests like to clean the nozzle, etc.. i thought great, i already tried that things, why don´t they listen to me? It must to be the material feeder! Than the filament started grinding and i had to level the buildplate after every print. I was not able to get a single usefull print. First i thought Ultimaker should send me some spare parts to save time, but after that i was convinced, that i would not be able to repair my printer by myself. I wrote Marrit that i want to send my printer back for repair and she accepted my request. Marrit told me that they would need about a week for repair and 1-2 weeks for shipping and i thought ok, better i wait a few weeks, than to experiment for months. So i packed my printer and waited for DHL to take it. DHL needed a whole week, just to pick up my printer.... After 2 two weeks i asked Marrit how things are going and she told me that they changed nearly the whole hotend and made a firmware update. I was surprised, there was nothing wrong with the material feeder... One week later (DHL needed a week for shipping...) i got my printer back at home and it prints like a new one! If i had tried to repair my printer with spare parts, it still would not work, because i was wrong about the cause of my problems. So what do i think about Ultimaker Support? After all i had to say these people know what they are doing! Although i was getting impatient, Marrit kept calm and was very kind. She managed to get my printer back to work again and i´m happy. Does it take a long time? Yes and no, i have worked on computergames for a long time and i know what´s like to make support for a new product from a small company. Call me a pessimist, but i thought that it would have taken longer. Ultimaker seems to grow faster than they expected and they try to keep up with their success. They are working on this. Most of the waiting period must be adressed to DHL. A week to pick up seems long, one week of shipping seems long. I got my filament from Colorfabb within 3 days and it´s nearly the same distance. Was it expensive? No, i had to pay nothing at all(warrenty)! I know that some people have problems with Ultimaker Support and Sales and i won´t deny that, but people like Marrit and others at Ultimaker could use some support from us (if you are a satisfied customer). So they know that they are doing a good job and come back to work the next day! Kind regards, Carsten
  12. Awesome!!! What´s the scale of this? What tools are you using for sanding?
  13. @braddock: Not exact 1:1 i think it´s a little smaller, but still big enough to impress people. They won´t believe me that this comes out of my Ultimaker2 :-P @Didier Klein: Thank you, the Facehugger won´t do you any harm! But than, let me think again....... @Sander: You should see my 1:1 Thor`s Mjolnir i printed last weekend..... Regarding your Question, send me a PM :mrgreen: Any news about your 3dArtist request? Have fun, Carsten
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