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Everything posted by tonym

  1. This is great news. I never did get to the bottom of the issue, thanks for updating this! Tony
  2. Thanks guys, I am out all day today but will try again on my return. The main issue is when the nozzle is so far away the PLA does not adhering to the glass, it is cooling before hitting the glass then just getting dragged around the plate and sticking to the nozzle. Each time i have levelled i ensure that it nips the paper on all 3 locations. I can get great prints when running the minicaltest and tweaking the height by eye as it goes around the bed perimeter but its a real pain to keep doing this.
  3. Hi, I got my ultimaker 2 yesterday and can complete the levelling procedure without issue just trapping the paper between the nozzle and plate on all 3 locations. The issue is then when coming to print it starts approx 0.5mm above the plate (visually you can see a huge gap between the nozzle and plate). The way i have got around this issue it to repeatedly run the minicaltest and adjust the bed during this process. It seams the z0 on the print level and the z0 on the print are not the same, is this normal? Cheers.
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