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  1. Buy bondtech! that is by far the best investment I have done
  2. 2wd Similar to printrbot´s version but this has a slot instead of a flat contact surface Anyone tried this?
  3. Try to put a box over the machine to keep the heat inside, it worked for me
  4. I received a new replacement machine from 3D verkstan yesterday, excellent service !! Loaded it with ABS and started to print. Really good flow trough nozzle before printing. Not that good flow 8hours later before second print. String length was aprox half Problem or not, it just a observation for now
  5. Thanks for reply! 1.First try and fail after nozzle change was at 245C 2.All prints was done at 40mm and 0.12mm 3.Temperature sensor is changed 2days ago 4.Isolator is changed and I tested to slide it on a piece of filament it was no problem
  6. Last print failed..:-( Suggestions?
  7. Took head apart this morning without finding any oddities. .Spacer was well seated towards the nozzle with no gap. Installed latest firmware. Another issue is bad bonding between layers. Doing another try now. Nozzle temperature,now att 260C,looks stable when machine is running. Feed motor is reversing with fast reverse and slow forward. Not retraction with fast revers and fast forward.
  8. Where can I download newest firmware?
  9. Thanks, lot of good input! As I see it´s too mutch friction in the hotend. Tried to manually push filament through without the tube and is very hard. Have to check if there is a gap between nozzle and teflon that can cause this.
  10. Now I have change coupler,hotend,tempsensor,filament. And it worked fine for the first 10hours, after 10hours it appears to be The same problem.
  11. Thanks, I will check the coupler. Any other ABS suppliers ?
  12. Thanks for answers, My filament is between 2.8-2.9mm I have about 200h of abs printing with 50% waste,.with worse result at the end Problem is bad flow trough hotend. Think I will try to change filament
  13. use to have 250C and 100C bed temp no fan on my UM2
  14. Can anyone tell me about ABS filament thats working in ultimaker? I have a hard time to make it work..sometimes it is working, sometimes not. Material get stuck in hot end or feeder dont feed enough or filament too soft, hard to tell what . Maby a combination Suggestions please /M
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