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  1. I have experienced the same problems with PLA and PVA both Ultimaker brand as supplied with the UM3 (see picture). For me creating support structures with PVA was THE ONE AND ONLY reason to buy the UM3 so this result is both disappointing and unacceptable! Note that the base PLA layer of my print is 72 x 104 mm so that the area where the PVA is printed on is probably relatively cold; not sure if this could be causing this behavior. (off topic) The cap that protects the two print heads does not remain in position so I have to keep it in place with an elastic band!? Both issues unacceptable for a printer costing almost €3700,-
  2. Dim3nsioneer, thanks for your response! How should one know which settings defined in Cura are and which are not taken over by UM2 and is this documented somewhere? When Cura is set to generate Ultigcode for UM2 would it then not make sense to have settings that are to be defined on UM2 itself greyed out in Cura? There is a Cura documentation; the temperature thing is e.g. mentioned here: https://ultimaker.com/en/support/16586-basic However, you're right about graying out (or leaving it away completely). This is still a bug of the Cura beta (I guess you're using V1.99?). But it's noted by the dev team. Found the temperature mentioned via the link you provided. Btw: I'm using Cura 15.06.03
  3. Dim3nsioneer, thanks for your response! How should one know which settings defined in Cura are and which are not taken over by UM2 and is this documented somewhere? When Cura is set to generate Ultigcode for UM2 would it then not make sense to have settings that are to be defined on UM2 itself greyed out in Cura?
  4. In Cura I set the printing temperature to 235C and the bed temperature to 65C (using the nGen filament) and save my design + settings to SD card. After first getting bad results I wanted to check if these two settings were actually used by Ultimaker 2: after selecting the design on the SD card for printing I selected Tune to see what temperatures were actually used. For the printing temperature I saw xx/0C (were xx is the actual temperature of the nozzle, rising while heating up) and for the bed temperature yy/75C (were yy is the actual temperature of the bed, rising while heating up). I would have expected to see xx/235C and yy/65C!? This gives me the impression that the temperatures defined in Cura and saved together with the design to SD are not actually used by the Ultimaker 2? Can anyone explain what is going on here?
  5. It has been 5 days since I received my UM2. The cover of the left stepper motor had a big dent! How this is possible inside the machine is a mystery to me. Also there was a big scratch on the base plate. Submitted a ticket 5 days ago. NO RESPONSE AT ALL!! Unfortunately (for UM) I am part of a big (several thousands) technical community on the High Tech Campus In Eindhoven. The ultimate way for UM to get disqualified in their own country of origin before a large group of potential customers. Treating customers like this WILL have consequences.
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