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Posts posted by sebizzle

  1. Hi,

    so till now again no reply from your sales team according to a teflon part instead of a new Nozzle.

    And from your Side the same Thing! More people don't seem to solve your problem!

    My lady gave me the advice to sell the machine.

    On the one hand no one seems to have time to help me and on the other spare parts can only be bought if you have like 3 weeks time to wait for it and the nervs.

    What do you expect your customers to do in a situation like this ?

    Buying a Product for 2000€ thats not working correctly and then having that much trouble with your support !?

    I will sell my machine theres no way that I will continue the odysee with Ultimaker support.

    Even when you're product is good when it's acutally working your way of dealing with customers is really the badest I've seen.

    So you can close the Thread!!

    I'm really disappointed in your Team, Product and everything else, just wanna get rid of the machine and don't wanna argue with my lady about wasted money and bad dessisions!!


  2. Hi Sander,

    thanks for your quick reply.

    Okay I undestood what the Teflon Part is.

    What you want me to do with that ?

    Shell I try to clean it ?

    No at the Pictures there is no underextrusion because im Printing with higher temperatures than 230...

    And because of that the Print looks shady because Retraction isn't working and so an.

    Like I wrote I had to that because otherwise there would be holes all over the place.

    And yes I tried printing with speed above 30mm/s but again holes all over the place.



  3. Hi Sander,

    really don't wanna be an annoying customer.

    Just thinking a Mail took over 2 Weeks to get answered, makes me not wanna deal with your sales team anymore. And my Mails to your Support for Troubleshooting took the same time to proceed.

    So let's just leave it like that, guess at the moment I'm not to positive when it comes to Ultimaker Support.

    You answering my Posts is the first good news from Ultimaker Support=)

    Not an easy job you have =)

    The Teflon Part is the white Thing in between right ?

    With Brim you mean the black stuff right ?

    Shell I try to get rid of it ?

    Yes like I wrote I tried to increase the temperature.

    But that destroys the Quality of my prints.

    You can have a good look at the results on one of my first posts:

    When printing with 230 it looks like this:



    But with lower temperatures than 230 holes start to appear at the Filament Lines.

    Even printing with 10mm/s results in flip backs. They occur like every 5Minutes.

    I also tried different Filaments.

    I figured out this technique is called cold fusion preventions.

    Is there any possibility to turn off this Function ?

    Cura Settings are still the same:

    Layer Height 0.2

    Shell Thickness 0.8

    Bottom Thickness 0.6

    Fill Density 20

    Print Speed 25

    Thanks for making me a member, I know how to upload pictures but wasn't allowed, because of validating.

    And thanks for your Help!



  4. HI,

    sorry again for the long time it took to reply.

    First of all after nearly 3 Weeks my inquiry at Utlimaker Sales was handled and I got a Reply.

    The other sad thing except for the waiting time is, I only get a Voucher.....

    But no more complaining about Ultimaker Support.... it is as it is.....

    Second I didn't manage to get the white part out of the extruder!

    Don't know what's going on ther but I was only succesfull in ramming the screwdriver through my Finger =)

    So I made some pictures from the Outside.



    Is this also helpfull ?

    Unfortunelty I'm still not able to upload picture to my profile.....

    Maybe finally someone can unlock me so that I can like other posts and most of all the Post of the People that helped me.



    Hi und sorry für die Wartezeit... =(

    Konnte nichts an dem weißen Ding feststellen, sah alles normal aus.

    Nur ganz oben am Einlass vom Filament ist eine kleine Delle aber die dürfte ja nichts ausmachen.

    Danke dir für deine Hilfe nochmals vielmals


  5. Hi Sanders,

    just talked to my girlfriend.

    We orderd 2 Nozzles from your Site, to replace my broken one.

    Unfortunately my Girlfriend didn't recognize, that you only have parts for the Ultimaker 1.

    So we got the wrong Nozzles....

    On July the 8th she asked sales team for help to change to ultimaker 2 nozzles, so far no reply.....

    But as I read in other threads this is not unusual.

    I really did my best bevor complaining about all that stuff that goes wrong.



  6. Again sorry, I didn't read it completely....

    to make the extrusion better, I tried the following

    - Play with the screw on the feeder

    - Printed and assembled a different feeder but again disassembled it

    - Tried different temperatures with different PLA Resellers

    - Tried different Settings in Cura

    - Restore to Manufacturer Settings

    - Different Heights of Build plate

    - Different Temperatures

    - Different Models

    - Different Print Speed Settings (Flip Back occurs even with 10mm/s)

    - Different Retraction Settings (Corners are not clean)

    - New Firmware Updates

    - Cleaned the Nozzle from the inside with the files

    - Atomic Nozzle Cleaner

    - Solution from MNIS

    Actual Current Cura Settings:

    Layer Height 0.2

    Shell Thickness 0.8

    Bottom Thickness 0.6

    Fill Density 20

    Print Speed 25

    That should be it =)

    The new Firmware is really a big improvement to me. I like the new Start of Print Jobs.

    And movement of the axis feels improved (can't prove it it's just a feeling).


  7. Sorry take it Back, yes you have a Best Practice.

    Since when are there Pictures to see ? At the end of my Troubleshooting I only looked here for fresh Info.

    For me not being familiar with your product, just plain text holds a bunch of possible mistakes.

    I nearly crushed the little white thing between the Nozzle and the Extruder....

    So again thanks for your help


  8. Hi Sander,

    Thanks very much for that.

    Could you please allow me to upload Pictures to the Ultimaker Forum?

    Till that I uploaded the Picture on my Blog:


    The Problem is that when Flip Back occurs, the Line of Filament is not solid. Because not enough Material comes out of the Nozzle.

    So when the Line and Flip Back occur at the same time, you can look through that part of Filament that has just been placed.

    Yes I can sorry for that =) Google told me that’s what I meant ;)

    I used something like this to clean the inside:


    And I agree with you I guess it was not "Best Practice". And thats exactly what I'm missing.

    I've read this in the Forum so I thought couldn't get worse. And done it.

    I already ordered a new Nozzle, but it was the wrong one.

    My Girlfriend tried to contact sales team to send it back and get the right one, but no reply since some days so far....

    Till now there are no modification to the feeder except for new screws, your tool unfortunately killed the old ones.

    Should I try another Feeder?

    Thanks for your help Sanders I'm really struggling on this one....


  9. Hi,

    sorry for the late reply, but I had to watch Soccer =)

    I did the cleaning now 2 times in combination with the atomic nozzle cleaner.

    Now the Flip Back occurs every 5 to 10 minutes.

    Leaving some hole every time it occurs.....

    Should I maybe try a new nozzle or any other Ideas ?

    Thanks in Advantage.


  10. Hi,

    erst mal hab wieder mal vielen Dank!

    Das mit der Temperatur stimmt vollkommen was du sagst.

    Ich hab die nur erhöht um die Anzahl der Löcher in meinem Druck zu minimieren.

    Durch die höhere Viskosität läuft mehr nach und die Löcher Bildung wird so verringert.. Ist zumindest mein Gefühl...

    Aber das funktioniert seit heute morgen auch nicht mehr.

    Die besten Ergebnisse hatte ich auch bei 210°C, da will ich ja auch wieder hin =)

    Ich probiere heute oder morgen das Ganze dann mal raus zu brennen.

    Melde mich dann spätestens danach wieder.



  11. Hi,

    ja kann ich, dachte nur das wäre nicht so angepasst, so dass andere auch was davon haben.

    Nicht falsch verstehen =) Aber gibt es dazu Bilder ? Ich weiß immer nicht genau wie die Komponenten heißen.

    Hast du was an deinem Ultimaker getauscht? Feeder oder so ?

    Hab echt vielen Dank für deine Hilfe!

    Ich wäre echt so aufgeschmissen ohne Leute wie dich.

    I did the Cleaning Method from GR3 (thanks again for that great Tipp) several times.

    Intersting thing is the first half hour printing at 210° results in just a few flip backs.

    After the first half hour they increased and I needed to increase the temperature every 15 minutes to reduce the amount of flip backs.

    Very Strange thing is now I get Flip Backs even at 245°... But only a few and they are not really visible...


  12. Hi,

    so the Atomic Nozzle Clean is over thanks to GR3.

    This is the Result:


    And this is the Nozzle:


    I filed the Nozzle from the Inside.

    Now I'm doing a Test-Print and will report back to you.

    But it looks like it didn't help....

    There were defintely, some burned parts inside of the Nozzle.

    Do you maybe want a Video of my print starting?

    If it helps ?

    Thanks again and Greetings


  13. Hi,

    thanks for that felt Kind of stupid =)

    If you just have no experience you stuck on every new Problem.

    I guess so but community is one Thing, Professional Support the other.

    There is no way I would recommend such a complex Product with that cheap Support and Documentation.

    But I wanted to stop complaining, it is how it is =)

    I put all my hopes in the Nozzle cleaning and then Report back to you.

    By the way when will I become a Member to be able to like articles and give credit to the Guys that helped me ?



  14. Hi,

    thank you very much!

    I will save this one immediately =)

    What I ment was something like Microsoft Support.

    The Problems are known, but just not documented.

    I'm working in IT-Security and normaly when you have such a complex Product you have a Support Site.

    Maybe I'm stupid but it took me a Long time to find out, that the Nozzle is cloaked when the Fillament curles at the start or starts sticking to the Nozzle.

    I just got to this Point thanks to your help =)

    So today I will clean the Shit out of my Nozzle =)

    Really thanks very much!



  15. Hi,

    oh man I get the Feeling I made a mistake buying this machine.

    Normally like I wanted, I would just buy a spare part to save my self tons of work.

    Then you know for shure if that part is damage and can start your Investigation.

    But at the Moment I'm just relying on guessing and the Help of the community.

    Theres not even a technical reference that I could use as a guidline.

    It's one Thing to say the technique is not that evolved.

    But it's another Thing, to be missing a technical documentation that helps on Troubleshooting for a Product that Needs Troubleshooting from the Beginning.

    Thank you really very much for all the effort and time. You are not even the ones getting payed for that.

    Much appreciate.



  16. Hi,

    just read the grat Article from GR5.

    The Thing he wrote at Point 8, is the same Thing that also happens in my Place.

    When I start printing, the Filament curles and touches the Side of the Nozzle.

    So today I will try the Atomic Clean.

    Much thxs. I wanted to like everything you wrote me, but I'm not allowed....



  17. Hi,

    thanks for the reply, I will check on that as soon as I'm home.

    What is a Nozzle that expensive ?

    I thought about 30€ or something like that.

    And where can I buy one, the shop has None.

    Than it's cheaper than working like 3 hours on it.

    That was my conclusion.



  18. Hi,

    yesterday night, the Fillament was grinded again.

    So because of the Hole that was generated the Fillament couldn't be moved at all by the Feeder.

    The Problem again, the Printer worked the whole night trough without putting any Fillament through it's nozzle.

    I guess I will need to unscrew the nozzle and file it again from the inside....

    This happend like 3 times before.

    Could this have also killed my nozzle ?

    Has anyone every needed a new one after something like that ?

    For me it's very sad that I just can't buy a new nozzle for the UM2 and have a try if thats working.


  19. Hi,

    unforunately it's not happining just on the first layer.

    It happens throughout the complete print.

    Anders told me to update my Firmware because of signifikant improvments here.

    I did that but still no success.

    Yes retraction is working the only Problem is, I Need to print over 240°C and then the PLA becomes very liquid.

    So when the Filament is pulled back, the material keeps flowing because it's not affected from the pullback.

    That all happens beacuse the material is to liquid, the Ends are also not clean at this temperature.

    Like I said printing at 210°C what was my preferred temperature results in constant flip backs.

    The only Thing I believe would help is a new nozzle.

    I don't know what else it could be.

    Or someone can tell me how to turn off this cold fuse prevention.

    Thanks and Greetings


  20. Hi,

    it looks like i've found a setup for my printer that solved the problem:

    In Cura I chose the following setup:

    Layer Height 0.2

    Shell Tickness 0.8

    Bottom Thickness 0.6

    Fill Density 20

    Print Speed 25

    The Print speed like in other post is the key.

    I'm using the Ultimaker Blue PLA.

    In the Material Settings I've set the Temperature to 230°.

    The Screw from the feeder is untightend nearly completly.

    So the white thing on the side is close to the top site.

    I will now do a complete Test-Print and then report back.

    The Problem with this Setup will be that small holes or steps with no material will not be clean at all.

    With the high temperature the material keeps flowing while the Printer is retracting.

    Printing with low temperature around 210° results in flip backs every 10 seconds.

    I've tested IGO3D and the Ultimaker Fillament and I've tried 3 different roles of them.

    So the Problem shouldn't be here.

    Also that Problem didn't occur on my first prints.


    Is this like in the tolerance of the Products ?

    Or is it still a Problem of the Printer?

    And sorry for my mistakes in gramar and in writing =)

    Also I couldn't like your answers it always tells me that I reached my limit.



  21. Hi,

    the new firmware didn't solve the Problem...

    The feeder keeps flipping back.

    The only thing that helps is untighen the feeder screw at the feeder.

    But if I do that it sometime grind it self so far in the fillament that it can't be moved at all and it's not enough filament coming out.

    Is there any possibility to turn off this "prevent cold print" function ?

    I read in an thread about this.

    Greetings and Thanks for help much appreciate.


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