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Everything posted by thorvinus

  1. Mein originaler war auch, für mich, viel zu laut also hab ich ihn gegen diesen -> Amazon Link getauscht. Der kommt aber ohne Steckverbinder daher, also musst den Lötkolben rausholen
  2. thorvinus


    Version 1.0


    Has to be painted yet, sadly i ran out of silver ABS so i printed the back in gray. First time i chemically welded with acetone.
  3. Version 1.0


    A model of a power transformer, made as a retirement gift for some higherup in my company The parts (about 20) are a mix of different colored PLA and Woodfill and some non printed stuff glued together, only took my about a month (in my free time)
  4. Its a UM2 and i ordered directly from the Ultimaker Storepage. I was also running my bed quite hot for the last couple of days (i was at 90-100°C for printing XT), normaly thats not a critical temperature for solderjoints, but who knows the joints could never be perfect and worked for the time... pretty hard to solder that small stuff onto something that large (and if they used Pb-free solder even harder). I for now plugged a 250Ohm resistor (two of these anti-noise cable extensions for PC Fans in serial) into the mainboard, with a switch to complete the circuit (and to abord if something is going wrong ). Had all the wires laying around my desk because i was building a pc earlier and it made a *ding* noise in my head The Board now reads 120°C and is not sending any power to the bed so i can print with PLA on some Bluetape for now, but i hope the "2-5 business days" statement for shipping stays true. Hope you get your stuff sorted out RandyInLA My question again... Can someone tell me the partnumber of that little sucker? Is it a KTY82-210? Also crossing fingers...
  5. As the title says, my heated bed sensor is gone. And as Murphy's Law predicts, at the worst time ever. I got a project at work to make some special tools out of some XT to test (I can smell the promotion) over the weekend and in the middle of my first prototype the sensor fails :(( First thought, after some reboots, was the wireing or the connector are the problem, because jiggeling the wires made the readout go up and down. Resolderd the Pins on the connector, try'd soldering wires directly to the solderpoints on the PCB... nothing, sometimes it would read normal temps again, cause me to put everthing together again (around 3 times ) and fail after 5 minutes of printing again. So i got frustrated and had a beer Then after i calmed down, i ran some new wires from the mainboard to the connector and at first it looked good, but about 3h into my second started print (only a half hour more and i would have someting to show on monday) fails again. So thats for storytime , now i already ordered a new bed (~200€ with shipping is quite a price i have to say) because i wrecked the stickers on the connectors and i need a new one ASAP. Also i have no time, or interest in dealing with sales people (Nothing personal ) And now to my question, can someone tell me the partnumber of that little SMD sucker thats driving me crazy? Or a replacement non SMD thermistor? I only found the bed itself, the cabel and the PT100 on the extruder on the github files. Maybe i could go out and find one, not that i'am that optimistic about that Greetings, Igor (edit:some spelling)
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