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Posts posted by ignace-de-keyser

  1. My apologies for not answering your question.

    1)I was printing at layerheight of 0.1mm at 80mm/s with a shellthickness of 0.8mm.

    2)I will update this soon™.

    3) Would using a nozzle with a higher width allow to print faster with a shellthickness >0.4mm?

    4) I will attempt this test as soon as my current prints finish.

    Thank you for responding to my questions.

    with kind regards,

    Ignace De Keyser

    EDIT:1mm changed to 0.1mm


  2. Hello,

    I am having some trouble with printing at normal and higher speeds. When printing at these speeds ( >50mm/s), my feeder will often skip backwards, causing parts of the print to be underextruded. I am using an Ultimaker 2 and using PLA, printing at 230°, the layerheight does not seem to make a difference.

    If I print at slow speeds, I don't experience any skips.

    Most of the time I print Jorisstyle, I don't know if it has any influence.

    I would appreciate your feedback,

    with kind regards

    Ignace De Keyser


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