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  1. Brilliant thanks tinkergnome. It must have been that, a firmware update fixed the problem.
  2. I've been using Ultimaker about five years, Ultimaker 2 since 2014. The printers have given me a fairly easy ride I think though, as despite heavy use I only found the need to replace a part very recently. The failed part was the main board, and having installed the new main board from Ultimaker today, I powered up, and noticed a strange behaviour during bed levelling. Levelled the bed anyway, and attempted a first print with the new board. The video shows what happened : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU1R2G7aKgY The issue shown here is more or less the same as happened during the initial bed levelling. It happens each time the machine tries to start a print. After the collision, the bed lowers as shown, and proceeds to print some distance above the print bed. Re-levelling the bed makes no difference, as the gap reappears following the collision at the start of any print. It's probably something obvious? I hope so!
  3. Here's a video of my recently printed bagpipes Just goes to show what these printers can do! For good tone, post-production (basically, polishing all the inside bore surfaces) is important. After that, a quick shine-up on the outside with very fine (wet) sandpaper and 0000 steel wool, and even pipers don't believe me at first when I tell them these are 3D printed They're lightweight, comfortable, and have a good response. I'm going to play them to bring in the bells this Hogmanay (New Years Eve)
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