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Posts posted by inventabuild

  1. I looked at the gcode and it appears that after an extruder is done with its layer that it only retracts by the Dual Extrusion Switch Amount and not by Retraction Distance + Dual Extrusion Switch Amount.

    Please confirm the retiring extruder only retracts by the Dual Extrusion Switch Amount because I am trying to avoid jams in my hot end which would occur if it retracts too great a distance.

  2. Thank you for the suggestions. So I did not see the extrusion width variable in Cura's output gcode so the 0.44 mm first layer width was a calculated value by looking at the gcode finding two parallel lines and adjacent loop segments, comparing the coordinates, etc to make the calculation. The 0.44 mm first layer width is not a measurement by eye, sorry for not making this clear in my postings.

    My layer height is 0.22 mm and first layer height is 0.3 mm are data values I entered into Cura's respective fields.

    I am using a TAZ 4 with Cura 14.09 which is Lulzbot's Cura edition: https://www.lulzbot.com/cura


  3. I have a TAZ 4 that has about a 0.16 mm difference in height between the center of the bed and the four corners, so in other words there is a significant bulge in the center of the bed.

    This bed height differential makes it difficult to successfully print all over the bed.

    So I'm thinking about buying an Ultimaker 2. What is the typical high to low bed height difference for a UM2 bed?


  4. Thanks for the suggestions. I also want to try to move the nozzle to x, y home using G1 X0 Y0 F1500 during extruder switches while I cool the previous nozzle to 60% temp as the new nozzle warms up. What is the generic variable and its formatting that I can use for extruder temp in the preSwitchExtruder window that will apply to both extruder 1 and extruder 2. Also wondering if there a list of these generic variables?


  5. I'm using a dual extruder with my TAZ 4 printer, one has red ABS in it and the other black ABS. When the black ABS extruder (#2) is idle it is oozing onto the red print (see 3 pics at links below). I have Cura's "Retraction / Dual extrusion switch amount” set to 16 mm with retraction speed of 25 mm/sec and I'm using the Ooze shield. How do I eliminate this ooze that is destroying my prints? What settings do I need to change in Cura?





  6. Are you going to offer the option to change the Ooze shield build angle? Even just two options, one vertical and one auto (which would be current configuration) would be nice. Someone else also had the issue where the Ooze shield collapsed and delaminated from itself due to its current aggressive build angle setting:




    1. The ooze shield is a bit ambitious in the overhang angles that it tries to achieve and often collapses and/or delaminates (as seen in the above image). In slicer the ooze shield is vertical all the way up - this makes it easier to print but it is now further away from your object. Ideally we would have a Cura-like shield with a configurable maximum-angle.



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