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Posts posted by jayeye

  1. Search has been a solved problem for decades. Why is it so hard to implement it properly?

    When I type "foo bar baz" I expect to *ONLY* see articles containing all three words, not articles containing any three. The default should always be conjunction, never disjunction.

  2. Before I brick my UM2... I'm successfully building github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/Marlin at SHA dabb1c under Arduino 1.6.8.



    1. Which bootloader should I use?
    2. I assume the various settings in Configuration.h are for the UM2 (at least the thermal settings and the display settings are. How about dimensions?
    3. Is this the repo from which the production version of the firmware is built? If so, would it be possible to upload the various configurations used to produce the standard firmwares distributed with Cura?




    PS: Thanks to Daid for making the simulator available!

  3. As others have pointed out, this would probably interfere with the interrupts. How I would do it would be to set up a Trinket to run the neopixels, and also set up the Trinket as an I2C slave device, come up with an ad hoc protocol, and send commands over I2C.

  4. Working off https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin

    at SHA 12b4cb9fad232411dd2b1cafe821547ee5f1e272.

    I can build and run MarlinSimulator (W7Pro, Code::Works 16.01 with MinGW, SDL 1.2.15, all freshly installed), and get to here:


    Clicking anywhere or pressing random keys does nothing (OK, ESC exits!).

    Clicking on the red square turns it to green, and then the firmware displays an error message:


    Am I doing something wrong? There are no instructions on how to run the beast (I'm grateful it even exists!). Has anyone other than Daid successfully run it?



  5. Between generally poor eyesight and oncoming presbyopia, I find the little display on the UM2 hard to read without sitting down in front of it, which is generally inconvenient. Any of the following would be acceptable solutions:


    1. Replace the built-in display with a large display that I can move higher up.
    2. Add a second display and hack the firmware to drive both.
    3. Just use octoprint/octopi connected to the USB port, and put a display on that (there is some support for the piTFT display from Adafruit.

    has anyone tried any of these, and have any words of wisdom before I go down the rabbit-hole? Here are my concerns, respectively:


    1. This would require (a) finding the part number of the original display, (b) finding a compatible larger display, and © ascertaining that the little flexboard connector can be safely extended without degrading the signal (the display has an SPI interface, right?)
    2. I'm not afraid to hack the firmware, but I don't see how additional stuff can be attached on the existing controller board, unless I repurpose the test-point pads to use as additional output pins, and (in the worst case) bitbang the necessary signals.
    3. This is the least-intrusive way, and I've already experimented with octopi, but octoprint has no support for the ultimaker flavor of gcode. I've tried generating reprap gcode with cura and printing it with octopi, but the whole home-head-extrude-filament-to-get-it-going-then-start-to-print was skipped, so I'm definitely missing something. I haven't had time to debug that yet, so any additional information of how to get the thing going with octopi would be nice.


    Comments? Suggestions? Mints?




  6. Have you looked at octoprint/octopi? There are cura addins to upload sliced gcode automatically or you can load the cura slicer on the pi (PI 2 B would be the best way to go).


    Brilliant. I vaguely knew of octoprint/octopi, but I didn't realize that Cura could talk to it.

    So much for cleaning up my apartment this weekend :)


  7. The nice people who made the Doodle3D have open-sourced all the code (https://github.com/Doodle3D). Consider these points:


    1. Cura can talk to Doodle3D.
    2. Doodle3D runs on top of OpenWRT.
    3. OpenWRT runs on Raspberry Pi.
    4. All these are open-source.

    (Actually, Cura is supposed to be able to talk to Doodle3D, I can't find how, however).

    Anyway, has anyone put together a Raspberry Pi image thta contains (at least) the printing aspects of Doodle3D? I don't much care about the drawing from a tablet aspect, I'm getting an actual Doodle3D unit for that.

    Failing that, does anyone know where such topics are being discussed? I started this on the cura forum because eventually I'll have to also modify the cura UI to add some functionality I have in mind.

    In particular, I want to monitor things like z-axis movements and trigger the pi's little camera to take a picture, so i can make time-laps movies. Also, control the "third" fan from the pi so that when print finishes and the head has cooled down, I can turn it off.

    Suggestions for where to look for more information, or other stuff that may be neat to do?


  8. I'm doing some calibrations, and I'm using tweak_at_z to change parameters. I have ten instances of the plugin (50mm part, change every 5mm), and of course every time I change a value, the whole model is re-sliced. Is there a way to temporarily turn this off? It's especially annoying when I need to change more than one value per plugin (please, no comments along the lines of "you shouldn't be changing more than one value when calibrating, I know what I'm doing).



  9. I fully support the designers' decision to have a simple, can't-go-wrong UI, but I find it annoyingly limiting. Fortunately, I'm an overpaid software engineer with an EE degree, plus I've been playing with arduinos for a couple of years now, so fixing things should be easy. What I do not want to do is replicate functionality or features others have already privately developed.

    So here what I'll be working on in the upcoming weeks. If people have suggestions, know where in the code (and which branch on github) these or similar feature are already present, and so on, please speak up.


    1. Manually move all axes: I don't want to have to turn the machine off to position the plate and the printhead with may hands. This was possible on the UM1 (I forget whether it was through the ulticontroller or cura), and I want it back.
    2. Print at a specific location on the platform: I do not want to wait for the build plate to cool down enough so I can remove what I just printed in order to start a new print. For small parts, there is plenty of room on the build plate. I realize I can bring everything in cura again and reslice, but I may want different models sliced with different parameters, or that take too long to slice, or I may not even have the .stl any more (and working with gcode models in cura is annoying).
    3. Better control over heat-up/heat-down and filament movement. I want a "heat nozzle and keep at that temperature until I tell you otherwise, regardless of what other operations are happening", so I can control the nozzle and the filament movement during load/unload independently of each other (why? because I want to!)
    4. More information on front panel: I have already found this, so if anything it will be just minor tweaks.



  10. The assembly manual can be found here at the bottom:


    d'oh! I knew I had seen it somewhere... it's not like I don't have a complete clone of the the github.com/Ultimaker repos!... Thanks.

    I've also written a short guide on taking the feeder apart:


    I wish i had seen these, it would have saved me a lot of trouble.

    Thanks again


  11. Is there any documentation that explains how to take apart and put back together the UM2?

    I needed to disassemble the filament pusher to get out a little bit of broken-off filament. I was not expecting that the four screws were also keeping the stepper motor in place, and was quite alarmed when I heard the thud that accompanied the removal of the last screw.

    Now what? there is no way to support the stepper motor and pull it against the back plate so the screws can go in. I can't even hold it in place to put in one screw, even without the filament driver. I eyeballed how the rest of the thing is put together, and it doesn't look like I can get to the filament motor without removing the side plate next to it, because then I would have to spend the weekend realigning the beast.

    Any suggestions?


  12. Hi

    I managed to lose the little grease packet that came with my Ultimaker2. After a year of use, I want to grease the z-axis.

    Any thoughts on a suitable substitute for the official "Magnalube-G"? Is lithium grease okay?

    BTW Just talking z-axis here. I understand that x and y axes need "sewing machine" oil.

    Thx for any help



    http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=magnalube+g :)

    I see you are in Canada, and amazon.ca doesn't seem to have it. I'm pretty sure Amazon US will ship to Toronto, though. If not, PM me, i can order one for you and send it over, but the postage will probably be way more than the cost of the lube!


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