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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker Original (+)

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  1. Good afternoon, I was wondering if anyone knows what I'm up against. I got the Ultimaker 1+ in 2014 and since then it has been just printing, which is really nice and impressive! But the quality is obviously getting worse. What I tried with the Superslicer test prints: get the filament temperature right calibrate the flow Readjust the print head Oiling the metal slide bearings (the head still moves too hard for my taste) I have been printing with a 0.6mm nozzle since the beginning. Everything on the printer are still the first parts. These Testprints are made with a new roll of the colorfabb pla, sliced with cura. My issues: I still have flow problems (see photos) The layers aren't exactly on top of each other, I thought the belts got play, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Even with extreme retraction settings (8 mm / 35 m/s I still get some stringing. (but not in this case) Any ideas? Regards, Michael
  2. Your fanshroud looks nice! I still wonder, why the print started to look good with 260°c, when i got bubbles at 245°c? Too hot for bubbles? But, well, eh nevermind. The print is fine now Here are my Settings: As Sidenode, I never mentioned that I use an 0,6mm Nozzle, don't know how big the influence on the settings are. layer_height = 0.2 wall_thickness = 0.6 retraction_enable = True solid_layer_thickness = 0.6 fill_density = 50 nozzle_size = 0.6 print_speed = 50 print_temperature = 225 print_temperature2 = 0 print_temperature3 = 0 print_temperature4 = 0 print_temperature5 = 0 print_bed_temperature = 65 support = None platform_adhesion = Brim support_dual_extrusion = Both wipe_tower = False wipe_tower_volume = 15 ooze_shield = False filament_diameter = 2.85 filament_diameter2 = 0 filament_diameter3 = 0 filament_diameter4 = 0 filament_diameter5 = 0 filament_flow = 100.0 retraction_speed = 40.0 retraction_amount = 4.5 retraction_dual_amount = 16.5 retraction_min_travel = 5.5 retraction_combing = All retraction_minimal_extrusion = 0.02 retraction_hop = 0.15 bottom_thickness = 0.3 layer0_width_factor = 100 object_sink = 0.0 overlap_dual = 0.15 travel_speed = 150.0 bottom_layer_speed = 30 infill_speed = 100 solidarea_speed = 30 inset0_speed = 40 insetx_speed = 80 cool_min_layer_time = 2 fan_enabled = True skirt_line_count = 1 skirt_gap = 3.0 skirt_minimal_length = 150.0 fan_full_height = 0.5 fan_speed = 100 fan_speed_max = 100 cool_min_feedrate = 10 cool_head_lift = False solid_top = True solid_bottom = True fill_overlap = 15 support_type = Lines support_angle = 60 support_fill_rate = 15 support_xy_distance = 0.7 support_z_distance = 0.15 spiralize = False simple_mode = False brim_line_count = 20 raft_margin = 5.0 raft_line_spacing = 3.0 raft_base_thickness = 0.3 raft_base_linewidth = 1.0 raft_interface_thickness = 0.27 raft_interface_linewidth = 0.4 raft_airgap_all = 0.0 raft_airgap = 0.22 raft_surface_layers = 2 raft_surface_thickness = 0.27 raft_surface_linewidth = 0.4 fix_horrible_union_all_type_a = True fix_horrible_union_all_type_b = False fix_horrible_use_open_bits = False fix_horrible_extensive_stitching = False plugin_config = object_center_x = -1 object_center_y = -1
  3. So Guys, the print is done, thanks for your helping thoughts! First I tried lower "min Layer Time" prints, where one side actually looked perfect, but the other one sucked, because of the one sided fan?. Actually I wonder, why its recommend to print without fan? @ Labern: I remembered your statement, that you print XT with 225 degree and was confused, why do I print so hot. Because of the colorfabbs > 240°c recommendation on the box, I never thought about printing with lower temperatures and made more tests. Printed with 225°c, shorter Min Layer Time and more retraction then changed the design to a little bit more material. Looks pretty god, not perfect. But far better than the other ones. And that's the Final Print. Later, i'll add the final configuration File.
  4. additional test. Same settings as last print with different temperatures 260°c looks the best?!
  5. good Idea! I tried that for the following Test prints All my XT prints were printed with enabled fan. My examples are printed with 30% and 50% fan. My Retraction Distance is actually really high, higher than recommened. It doesn't change the strining. Perhaps its too high and that causes my issues? (Retraction amount 4.5) Is Minimum Layer Time bad? Its the first time i observe what it does. Should I shorten the time, or increase it? In the Picture you can see the good surface near the Bed (about 1cm above bedlevel, the bad print starts). Travelspeed was already 250, dont know why its 150 again?! and I will check the Bowden! Testprint with 255°c. Looks much better, but still weird. Testprint with 255°c and a Case that neotko recommened. Looks kinda similar.
  6. Do you think that the minimum layertime will slow the print down to much? I tried your advice and printed a Tower next to it. Thats the result --> The print itself is better, but still the parts that are higher than 1 cm look bad. Even on the Tower! So my conclusion would be, the printing temperature is to low?! Near the Glasplate the print is also heated with the bed and if its to far away it gets to cold?
  7. Yes your right, I have an UMO+ with only 1 fan! BUT actually its recommended to print without fan and I can't understand why
  8. Hi, i have some overextrution problems (i think). If the printed section gets to small in "slicesize", then there are parts that are kinda overextruded or too hot? Like in this picture. The Bottom is ok, but on the smaller part, the color of the print changes and these weird parts arise. Settings 1: Then I tried the Cura standard settings for Upet and it got better, but still bad. And I don't really know what setting is need to change, never saw something like that, also in no print guides. :( Settings 2: Settings1: layer_height = 0.2 wall_thickness = 1.2 retraction_enable = True solid_layer_thickness = 0.6 fill_density = 100 nozzle_size = 0.6 print_speed = 50 print_temperature = 245 print_temperature2 = 0 print_temperature3 = 0 print_temperature4 = 0 print_temperature5 = 0 print_bed_temperature = 58 support = None platform_adhesion = Brim support_dual_extrusion = Both wipe_tower = False wipe_tower_volume = 15 ooze_shield = False filament_diameter = 2.80 filament_diameter2 = 0 filament_diameter3 = 0 filament_diameter4 = 0 filament_diameter5 = 0 filament_flow = 100.0 retraction_speed = 40 retraction_amount = 4.5 retraction_dual_amount = 16.5 retraction_min_travel = 1.5 retraction_combing = All retraction_minimal_extrusion = 0.02 retraction_hop = 0.2 bottom_thickness = 0.3 layer0_width_factor = 100 object_sink = 0.0 overlap_dual = 0.15 travel_speed = 150 bottom_layer_speed = 40 infill_speed = 60 solidarea_speed = 30 inset0_speed = 50 insetx_speed = 50 cool_min_layer_time = 7 fan_enabled = True skirt_line_count = 5 skirt_gap = 3.0 skirt_minimal_length = 150.0 fan_full_height = 1 fan_speed = 30 fan_speed_max = 30 cool_min_feedrate = 0 cool_head_lift = False solid_top = True solid_bottom = True fill_overlap = 18 support_type = Grid support_angle = 45 support_fill_rate = 5 support_xy_distance = 0.7 support_z_distance = 0.15 spiralize = False simple_mode = False brim_line_count = 20 raft_margin = 5.0 raft_line_spacing = 3.0 raft_base_thickness = 0.3 raft_base_linewidth = 1.0 raft_interface_thickness = 0.27 raft_interface_linewidth = 0.4 raft_airgap_all = 0.0 raft_airgap = 0.22 raft_surface_layers = 2 raft_surface_thickness = 0.27 raft_surface_linewidth = 0.4 fix_horrible_union_all_type_a = True fix_horrible_union_all_type_b = False fix_horrible_use_open_bits = False fix_horrible_extensive_stitching = False plugin_config = object_center_x = -1 object_center_y = -1 Settings2: layer_height = 0.2 wall_thickness = 1.2 retraction_enable = True solid_layer_thickness = 0.6 fill_density = 60 nozzle_size = 0.6 print_speed = 50 print_temperature = 250 print_temperature2 = 0 print_temperature3 = 0 print_temperature4 = 0 print_temperature5 = 0 print_bed_temperature = 65 support = None platform_adhesion = Brim support_dual_extrusion = Both wipe_tower = False wipe_tower_volume = 15 ooze_shield = False filament_diameter = 2.85 filament_diameter2 = 0 filament_diameter3 = 0 filament_diameter4 = 0 filament_diameter5 = 0 filament_flow = 100.0 retraction_speed = 40.0 retraction_amount = 4.5 retraction_dual_amount = 16.5 retraction_min_travel = 1.5 retraction_combing = All retraction_minimal_extrusion = 0.02 retraction_hop = 0.0 bottom_thickness = 0.3 layer0_width_factor = 100 object_sink = 0.0 overlap_dual = 0.15 travel_speed = 150.0 bottom_layer_speed = 30 infill_speed = 100 solidarea_speed = 30 inset0_speed = 40 insetx_speed = 80 cool_min_layer_time = 3 fan_enabled = True skirt_line_count = 1 skirt_gap = 3.0 skirt_minimal_length = 150.0 fan_full_height = 0.5 fan_speed = 50 fan_speed_max = 50 cool_min_feedrate = 10 cool_head_lift = False solid_top = True solid_bottom = True fill_overlap = 15 support_type = Lines support_angle = 60 support_fill_rate = 15 support_xy_distance = 0.7 support_z_distance = 0.15 spiralize = False simple_mode = False brim_line_count = 20 raft_margin = 5.0 raft_line_spacing = 3.0 raft_base_thickness = 0.3 raft_base_linewidth = 1.0 raft_interface_thickness = 0.27 raft_interface_linewidth = 0.4 raft_airgap_all = 0.0 raft_airgap = 0.22 raft_surface_layers = 2 raft_surface_thickness = 0.27 raft_surface_linewidth = 0.4 fix_horrible_union_all_type_a = True fix_horrible_union_all_type_b = False fix_horrible_use_open_bits = False fix_horrible_extensive_stitching = False plugin_config = object_center_x = -1 object_center_y = -1
  9. was genau schief gegangen ist, kann ich dir nicht sagen. Bevor du aber diverse Temperaturen ausprobierst, solltest über sowas die optimale Drucktemperatur/geschwindigkeit für dein Firmament rausfinden --> https://3drucken.ch/2013/01/optimieren-der-drucktemperatur.html Ansonsten schaut der Rand irgendwie komisch aus und teilweise verbrannt? Hab von ABS aber auch kein plan, hatte mein ersten abs druck nach 20 Minuten abgebrochen. Der Geruch ist einfach zu hart für Indoor :-|
  10. Der Wert für Deckel und Boden hat nichts mit der Linienbreite zu tun! Wie nah die Linien zusammen gedruckt werden, wird schätzungsweise über die Nozzlebreite definiert. Ansonsten wie du gemeint hasst, sollte man eine Wandstärke nehmen die durch die Düsenbreite teilbar ist. Und kein Problem, solche Gedanken sind ja wichtig damit man cura versteht und richtig einstellen kann
  11. Meinst du mit Oberer und unterer Oberfläche quasi den Boden und den Deckel? Weil damit hätte der Nozzle (gefühlt will ich es auch immer mit doppel 'o' schreiben) Durchmesser nichts zu tun. Eher was mit der Layerdicke. Was meinst du mit überschneidung? Die Überschneidung vom Infill? Wenn du eine Wandstärker von 0,4 setzt und eine 0,4 düse hast wirst du auch eine 0,4 Wandstärke bekommen.
  12. super cool, you're the hero of the month
  13. @ rpress: Recognized that too, earlier today. The Numbers disappear but the scaling is still applied Profile for that setting is a really good idea! @ IRobertl: Its really not that much (~ 0,5mm for 100mm). I printed a prototype and that thing didn't fit to the other part. Then I thought the printer is off and looked for calibration. After that I learned about the shrinkage of printed stuff Now I know what I have to keep in mind for designing stuff, but still its no work to apply the scale and get near 100% prints.
  14. Hi I wanted to compensate the shrinking and apply the scale accordingly. Then I recognized that Cura deletes numbers, after you set the second input field. For example 1,003 results in 1,0. It seems that it keeps the value and just stops showing the last digits. At first I thought it Rounds the values ... Don't know, its kinda confusing.
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