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Everything posted by neil1138

  1. Printed at 230C. Colorfabb PLA/PHA. 185hrs of print time. I never print above 50mm/s so this result felt good. A little bit of under-extrusion at the very end, but I'm more than happy with the overall result.
  2. Was this ever solved for the OP? I'm having similar issues. With retraction enabled, my extruder grinds the heck out of the filament, causes it to slip, and causes under extrusion issues. I've tried adjusting the extruder tension from all the way loose, to all the way tight and in-between. I've adjusted retraction settings, and nothing really works other than completely turning it off. Same issues with Ultimaker silver PLA, and colorfabb PLA/PHA.
  3. Thanks fellas, I ordered the sunco fan and it does make quite a difference. I appreciate the help! Right now I'm battling an X-Y switch broken/stuck error. Looks like it is indeed the switch and not the stepper motor but I can't tell for sure without switching the X and Y switches, which involves cutting wires.
  4. EDIT 3/15/15: Solved. If anyone gets this error message in the future. For me, the geared pulley on the stepper motor had come loose! Simply tightened up the screw and it's good to go! All, Regarding my one week old ultimaker 2: It was working great, but then I noticed a print that was way off. It laid down the first layer perfectly and then the second layer started to shift in both X/Y. I aborted the print and then ultimaker 2 threw this error message: "Error - Stopped, X or Y switch broken. Contact Ultimaker I did a factory reset, and got partially through (when to zero the head) before it gave another error message similar to the first one. Except replace broken with "stuck." I see the two switches, and they seem to be working fine physically, nothing is stuck or broken that I can see. I can trying switching out the X and Y switch and see if the issue swaps. I removed the covers and it doesn't look like there are any pinched cables or anything. Also, it looks like the connection is good at the board side. It seems like when the head is trying to zero itself, the head will traverse all the way left, and back (into the back left corner), but as soon as the head hits the X switch (blue wires), it whirrs loudly, stays in place, and then just throws the error message. Any thoughts on this? Thanks guys
  5. I too a noisy rear fan, so I ordered the recommended Sunco fan and all I can say is wow! Having never taken apart an ultimaker head, it was pretty easy to replace and the sound difference is stunning. When I first turned on the printer, I thought maybe the solder joints were broken because I couldn't hear a thing. This fan is silent. Very worthy $8. Thank you guys for the help
  6. Hello all, first post here. Just received an Ultimaker 2, all is working well and prints are coming out great. However, from the moment I turn the printer on, the center fan (heatsink fan) is constantly running. Even when everything is cooled down, and nothing is printing, the center fan is running. And it is noisy! Is this normal? Should the fan be running? Doesn't make sense to me. Thanks! -Neil
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