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  1. I did not know about zhop, thank you very much you saved my life! As for TweakAtZ I tried setting print speed only, but it didnt work, printing speed did not really change (I set it to 10% but the change was barely noticeable) Thank you again
  2. A couple from me as well... - set different speed at different layers (like Tweak At Z, but without using M220 as it will cause everything to change speed). I ask this because I would like to print at very different speeds (like one cube at 50 and the figure on it at 5). - a minimal Z movement up everytime there is free travel. This is to avoid the hotend impacting existing parts while it is traveling (I print parts with lots of homemade supports and it happens frequently that the hotend slams into one of them knocking it down). If the hotend goes up a fraction of mm, moves, and then goes down again this risk is minimized. Thank you
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