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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2 (Ext

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  1. I'm having a heck of a time finding these belts in 6.5mm width. There are lots of 2GT 610/200 length belts that are 6mm like these and this 2GT 610 search. Does that really matter? I found these 6.5mm 2GT-610-6.5 belts on amazon and they seem like they will work. It seems like all the 3D printer vendors that sell them are charging a fortune because of scarcity, so I'd like to avoid those vendors if it's not really a necessity.
  2. Thanks for the advice! I’ve been shopping for parts since I made the original parts and I’ve only had luck on Ali express (where I found bearings and much more) but there are too many belt options and I’m not sure which ones to get. Can you tell me if these are the right belts? thank you so much!
  3. My printer has been an absolute workhorse! I've literally travelled all over the world and wow.. this printer is amazing. But recently it's started making a creaking noise and I can't figure out where it's coming from or how to fix it. Any ideas? I've oiled the rods, and that didn't seem to help. Here's a link to a video of the sound: Thanks for any help you can offer!
  4. I had a little Etsy project run away from me and now I'm printing a lot more than I expected. I'm at about 4+ hours per day right now. Good problem to have, but I want to be responsible and keep my printers happy. Any suggestions for keeping my printers in top shape until I get to the point that I am ready to just outsource the printing? I have an Ultimaker 2 and an Ultimaker 2 Go. (Oddly, the Go prints SO MUCH BETTER and more consistently than the standard 2.) For bonus points, can anyone recommend a good site for competitive prices on printing fairly small parts (12x12x25mm at most)? I'm using Craftcloud for now, but open to suggestions. Thank you all!
  5. Thanks. I"m trying to decrease temp right now.. Trying 205. I wish there was a way to set speed accurately during the job. The panel only shows a percentage (like it's at 100% now).. Also, I'm at 50mm/s speed right now.
  6. Hello everyone! I'm having a consistent irregularity when I print small details. I get the artifacts which you can see in the picture below, on the 2016 and on the lower rings. They are "nozzle blobs". Any ideas how to reduce those? Or am I trying to print too small. FWIW, this entire piece is 38mm wide. I have a UM2, Olson block, .4mm nozzle, Robert's feeder and I'm printing with Ultimaker Yellow PLA@210 (I'm not sure what kind of filament that is because I don't think Ultimaker sells filament anymore...) Thanks everyone!
  7. Awesome! This is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for! Thank you so much!
  8. My Go arrived here in Africa by way of the US in the gray foam carry case and it did fine. I'm getting ready to travel again this time on a dodgy African flight (to do some school demos) and I want to make sure it arrives safely. Any suggestions for packing it? I assume the glass gets removed and put in the rubber corner protectors but what about the print head? Maybe stabilizing with zip ties? I don't know. Any ideas or suggestions? I'm assuming it must remain right side up but again not sure. Thanks in advance!
  9. Hey everyone! As the title suggests I'm looking for some examples I can print on my Ultimaker 2 or Go that demonstrate good design, interesting art, clever functionality or all of the above. I'm doing a demonstration for a middle / high school and I'm looking to get students excited about design, engineering, art and of course 3D printing. One example I've already selected is a "dust shield" that has a print in place hinge which is really slick (sorry I'm mobile and don't have a link) and a prosthetic Raptor Reloaded hand. I'm especially keen on print in place gadget design because it's like a brain teaser.. "How did they do that?" Thanks for any suggestions!
  10. Hi everyone! Well, problem solved! As it turns out, there was a manufacturing "defect" / "oops". Here's what I did. I loosened the drive pulley for the motor, then moved the printhead. It moved fine. That told me it wasn't a pulley problem, or anything in the printhead, etc. That pointed to the motor, so I removed the side panel and removed the motor, and it wouldn't turn easily by hand. My heart sunk because I won't be able to get motors very easily. But I noticed that the wires for the motor were pinned by the motor below: It seems that when the Go was assembled, this wire got pinned in there by mistake. The wires were beginning to fray: When I separated the wires, the motor spun freely by hand! So I repaired the wires, and put everything together and now I'm back in action! Two good prints so far and everything looks great! Thanks for the help everyone!
  11. Here's the video! Note that the sound happens well before we hit the switch. So I don't think it has anything to do with the XY switch. Thanks!
  12. Thanks! I'll definitely shoot a video. IT will be a slow upload.. I'm in Uganda. :-) How do I get out of the first run wizard?
  13. Hi everyone! Thanks for all the advice on the this forum! Unfortunately I can't find any threads talking about my particular problem. I was in the middle of a print and my relatively new Go started "grinding", like the motors were struggling. It was really a terrible sound. I killed the power immediately, and did a reset. During the "first time" wizard, the z axis worked fine, and then the X and Y headed home and as it neared the back corner the noise started again, and I got the X Y limit switch broken message. I don't think it's the limit switch because the noise happened near the center of the bed the first time. When the machine makes this noise, I can move the head manually back and forth towards me (X axis, right?) but it resists quite a bit when I try to move left and right (Y axis?). It's not nearly as smooth as the back and forth motion, and not what I feel on my larger Ultimaker 2. The belts seem to be engaged, they don't seem to be slipping, but I just don't know where to start to troubleshoot. I'm thankful to anyone who can offer assistance. Thanks!
  14. Just wanted to let everyone know that my problem is solved! The problem was under extrusion due to the feeder. I've used Robert's feeder for a while now and have been happy, but I didn't pay much attention to the screw that holds the bearing assembly. As it turns out it was way too loose, and when the feeder motor spun, the bearing did not. So, the feeder wasn't feeding properly. Robert's feeder design is awesome, but I didn't understand how tight that bearing was supposed to be, but that's what it was. Now the Colorfabb is printing REALLY well! Than you all!
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