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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2
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    (Product) design

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  1. Mine only crashes when I activate raft. Increasing speed to 250 mm/s doesn't crash on my computer. Maybe the problem isn't the speed setting in itself, but perhaps speed in combination with other parameters? That's what I'm thinking. it is most likely the combination of parameters that should produce a warning message or error message, but instead it crashes. 15.06 shows a lot of promise, I really like the layout and the improvements. I appreciate the hard work the UM team is putting into improving user experience. Keep it up!
  2. Scratch all of that. CuraEngine.exe appears to crash when changing the default Movement Speed (default is 150, I changed it to 250). It also crashes when I select raft support. whole lot of uninstalling and reinstalling for nothing .
  3. So, I was having a hell of a time getting 15.06 to slice. CuraEnginge.exe kept crashing, no log file would be generated and windows error message mentioned something about libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll was causing the problems. Launching CuraEngine.exe by itself would mention "error: failed to load json file: fdmprinter.json" To get 15.06 running again I uninstalled vcredist_2010_20110908_x86, then reinstalled. I also removed the printer that was listed under Machine, and started fresh. Hope this helps someone.
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