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Everything posted by DaHai8

  1. Fair enough. It's not a big deal, just a nicety. I'll hold on and see if it gets in the next release. Thanks!
  2. And that would be a big "NO". No effect. I guess I'm back to: It's defined but not yet implemented. bummer...
  3. Update: While defined in fdmprinter.def.json, a superscript of 2 in "unit": "mm/s²", of acceleration_print is not like by Cura. removing the 2, allowed the .json file to load. Now to see if it actually impacts print time estimates....
  4. Found the fdmprinter.def.json file on GitHub and have been trying to insert the Acceleration and Jerk settings for about 3 hours last night before giving up. I thought maybe they weren't implemented yet, but then saw this post: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/798 Clearly, I'm doing something wrong. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated: "speed": { "acceleration_enabled": { "label": "Enable Acceleration Control", "description": "Enables adjusting the print head acceleration. Increasing the accelerations can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality.", "type": "bool", "default": false, "settable_per_mesh": false, "settable_per_extruder": false }, "acceleration_print": { "label": "Print Acceleration", "description": "The acceleration with which printing happens.", "unit": "mm/s²", "type": "float", "min_value": "0.1", "max_value_warning": "10000", "default": "300", "enabled": "acceleration_enabled", "settable_per_mesh": true } }
  5. I'm guessing there is no where in Cura to set the Acceleration, Jerk and Retraction settings of my printer?
  6. I personally almost always use Rafts: They stick better to the build plate while also being easier to remove. They keep narrow parts from curling up and small contact points from coming off. But Rafts always mess up the surface quality. That said: Since you are printing essentially a large circle (no narrow or small contact points), have you tried it without a raft? It will probably be harder to get off the print bed, but your quality might improve and hopefully you won't get those nasty threads. P.S. I've not found a way to stop those threads in Cura 15 or 2.
  7. I wrote a simple plugin to display the Current Layer Number on the screen. I'd like to have it always active when I start Cura. Is there a way to do that? Thanks.
  8. Alrighty. After half-a-dozen tests, I've found the settings that work most like Cura15 - at least for me. If anyone has similar Raft issues and still uses Rafts (sorry, Labern, you're not in this Venn Diagram ), perhaps they'll find this information useful.
  9. Ok, see the "inherits": "ultimaker_original.json", line in your .json file? That imports settings from that .json file for the UMO+. Open that file and copy the machine_start_gcode and machine_end_gcode lines into your UMO+ .json file after the machine_heated_bed line. Then you can add your own start/end commands to it. P.S - I highly recommend giving you modified UMO+ profile a new filename, and ID and NAME (in the .json) file instead of modifying the original. There's less chance it will be lost if/when you update Cura.
  10. I have the problem of either not being able to get the object off the build-plate, or having it come off mid-print. A raft gives me a good happy-medium since there is limited material touching the build plate. Plus, with objects will small contact areas, I find Rafts work best. And being the edge are flexible, its easier to get something underneath an edge to pry it up. Brims don't seem to do much for keeping sharp tips from curling up as well. Still Cura 15 rafts are smooth and remove from the object cleanly. Cura 2 rafts come out full of holes and take forever to pry off bit by bit. Gotta be a setting I'm got wrong somewhere...
  11. I must have a setting wrong in Cura2.1.2 With Cura 15.x, my rafts are smooth and flexible and they peel off the object in one piece with acceptable effort. But with Cura 2.x (using Cura 2.1.2 now). They are full of holes and come off the object in little pieces that I have to pry off with pliers or file off. It's a mess and leaves a even more messy finish behind. I've tried to match the Raft setting between Cura 15 and Cura 2, but I'm having trouble matching up the dissimilar verbiage. Here's Cura 15 Raft settings: And here's Cura 2 Raft settings: Any help, ideas, suggestions are greatly appreciated! BTW: I know I post a lot of questions, issues here on Cura. Don't misunderstand. I think Cura 2.x is AWESOME! And am using it exclusively for all my slicing. I'm gonna win myself an Ultimaker in the Thingiverse Challenge!
  12. Thanks! Didn't know that. Looks like its already reported and being addressed: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/769
  13. It's a custom JG Aurora A3 profile. The build area is 180x180x180 and the shroomhead is exactly 180mm tall. I did find a workaround: Scale the model to 50%. Orient him and position him (no issues). Then scale it back to 100% and he just fits and doesn't fly away
  14. Crea, I'm not too busy at this time. I'd be happy to help. Reply if you're interested and we can take this off-line and build something you can use.
  15. I think this can still be done to a fairly acceptable level using machine_disallow_areas to block off corner areas into semi-circular shapes on a square platform so that you can't accidentally place an object outside your circular build plate. Not sure what the max number of sides those polygons can have, but you could probably get it fairly rounded.
  16. Even large models that are scaled to just fit within the build area fly off into never-never land when I try to reposition them. Scaled the shroomhead.stl from above to fit within my 180x180x180 area and he still flew away when I nudged him a bit. :(
  17. At least I'm calling it a bug. Load any model into Cura 2.1.2 Rotate it 90 degrees along the Red Circle Scale the Z axis to any new value Y axis is scaled to that new value, not the Z
  18. Cura 2.1.2 If you have a model that is just a little to big for your printer (ie: its Gray in Cura and doesn't fit in the bounding frame). Then if you try to move it down into the build plate (to print just a section of it), it will fly up and down out of frame and sometimes never come back!! Doing Resets of all Object Positions and Transformations does seem to work. But it seems to be very problematic to section up an overly large object to print in manageable pieces. I did this with a 180x180x180 build area and this Thingi: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:348582 Also, it would be really nice to be able to enter an exact value for the Z-Axis transformations (at least) so things can be sliced precisely.
  19. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.04.4\python\pythonw.exe" -m "Cura.cura" or "C:\Program Files\Cura_15.04.4\python\pythonw.exe" -m "Cura.cura" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.04.4\cura.bat" Try that
  20. Start/End Codes are in the .json printer profiles. C:\Program Files\Cura2.1\resources\machines Run WordPad as Administrator and then open your machine's .json file. "machine_start_gcode" and "machine_end_gcode" are the lines you'll want to change. They're both just one big ugly line with embeded \n (newlines), so keep that same format. Save your changes and then restart Cura.
  21. I can drag 'n drop .stl files into Cura 2.1.2. Did you associate .stl files with Cura 2.1.2? In Windows, you can right-click on any .stl file and select Properties, then on the General tab see what "Opens With" shows as the associated program. Click the Change button to change it to Cura.
  22. I also use Solid Inspector plugin for Sketchup to make sure I valid solids and no holes in the meshes.
  23. Ah, I've done this. I have a JG Aurora A3 that's 180x180x180. You have to create a new json profile based off the closest matching one. I used prusa_i3.json, but find one that close to your printer. These json profiles are located in: C:\Program Files\Cura 2.1\resources\machines or C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.1\resources\machines depending on if you installed the 32bit or 64bit version of Cura 2.1 Copy the json profile out to your desktop, rename it. Make the changes to at least these lines: "id": "yourid","version": 1, "name": "Printer Name","manufacturer": "Printer Manufacturer","machine_width": { "default": 364 },"machine_height": { "default": 310 },"machine_depth": { "default": 340 }, And then copy it back it. You must be an Admin on your PC to do this as those folders are protected - at least on Windows 10 (Maybe 7 & 8) Restart Cura 2.1.1 and then you can choose it in the Printer / Add Printer dropdown. I'm getting good at this, so let me know if you have any problems.
  24. Thanks guys! I didn't think there was much that could be done, but thought I'd ask. I'll save my pennies. Cura 2.x beta and 15.x are still excellent slicers as this is just a minor thingy. Cheers.
  25. I was wondering if there was something I could do to increase the accuracy of the print time estimate after slicing. In both v15.x and 2.1x, the current estimates are around 20%-25% under. In other words, if Cura estimates a 8hr print, it will take closer to 10hrs. For a 1hr estimate, its usually takes 1hr 15 mins. Maybe this is just an artifact of a non-Makerbot printer or its firmware specific. I read some previous posts from a few years back about acceleration factors. So maybe there is a tweek I can add to a parameter in Cura (15.x or 2.x) to take this into account and narrow this delta a bit? Wondering if anyone else is seeing this delta or if its just me and my printer. Thanks!!!
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