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Posts posted by Csabanyujto

  1. Hey,

    Trying to print a perfect phone case from colorfabb XT CF 20 and corkfill that required minimal post work.

    Been trying for a while but always the same problem comes up.

    The printer (UM2) leaves a little dots on the print and it takes a lot of time to remove + it makes the print a lot uglier after removes specially printing with corkfill.

    For xt materiel tried a lot of combinations:

    Nozzle: 0.6 mm (e3d hardened)

    nozzle heat between: 250-260 C

    Layer: 0.2 mm

    Speed: 25-50 mm/s

    Retreaction: on/off (extrusion distance from 6.5 till 15)

    Fan: always 100% (except first layer)

    Combing: all/ no skin/ off

    Flow between: 100-105% (100% works well)

    My hypothesis was that the nozzle touch the already printed parts when moving and that makes this problem, so tried to play with the bed level but still have the same problem.

    Earlier @neotko told me that XT likes to stick to the nozzle and it leaves dots on the surface that mess up the whole print, I think he was talking about this.

    Attached 2 pictured, circled with red so anybody can clearly see.

    Edit: this problem always comes after the 2., 3. layers





  2. Hi everyone,

    I want to print my own designed iPhone cases from carbon fiber or wood based filaments, but i have never printed with these.

    The most important thing for me is to be reliable and high quality.

    I have UM2 with olsson block so i can use 0,6 or 0,8 mm nozzle if it's needed.

    So i'm asking which companies product should I try that gives me a nice surface?

  3. I trying to print my Articuno (pokemon) iPhone case from Ninjaflex cheetah, but I got some trouble with it.

    My problem is at the bottom where the side beggins the layers not sticking nice and it makes the whole phone case looks ugly. Check the pictures.

    First picture

    Second picture

    Settings in cura

    I tried to make the perfect print for about 31 times and been trying to changes a lot of things but still not good.

    Changes I tried:

    - The model angle (don't want 90° because it cuts my fingers)

    - Print head heat between 220c and 240c

    - Layer height between 0,1 mm and 0,3 mm

    - Wall thickness 0,6mm till 1,2 mm

    - Print speed between 20mm/s and 60mm/s

    - Retraction on/off

    - combing on/off

    - support on/off


    Also printed the model in PLA with basic settings and it came out perfectly for the first time.

    I read somewhere bigger nozzle diameter (0,6 or 0,8) makes flexible prints more reliable. Do you have and experience with it?

    Do you have any ides what settings should I try?

    If it will come out perfectly I will also make the other 2 legedary bird (Zapdos, Moltres) and I will upload them so everyone can download it (I already made a PLA version)

    Thank you for your help!

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