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Posts posted by caleb

  1. I was recently looking around and found this (cheaper Chinese version of the original reprapdiscount) Full Graphical Display Controller. I was just wondering if anyone has used / is using this controller. From what I understand, the only firmware mod necessary would be to change line 523 which is







    Would this be right? Also, would there be a way to change the startup photo to an Ultimaker logo? (I've seen photos but no source code for it)


  2. I was recently looking around and found this (cheaper Chinese version of the original reprapdiscount) Full Graphical Display Controller. I was just wondering if anyone has used / is using this controller. From what I understand, the only firmware mod necessary would be to change line 523 which is  








    Would this be right? Also, would there be a way to change the startup photo to an Ultimaker logo? (I've seen photos but no source code for the image)



  3. I built my printer about a month ago, and it has been having some pretty consistent under-extrusion. My settings so far have been:

    Layer Height 0.25 mm

    Shell Thickness 0.4 mm

    Bottom/Top Thickness 0.8 mm

    Speed 70 mm/s

    Flow Rate 110%

    Infill Speed 80 mm/s

    Top, bottom, outer, and inner shell speed 70 mm/s

    Temperature 220ºC

    Bed Temperature 70ºC

    I tried printing the V29 Whistle, and it has some layer gaps, and at the top, there is space between the lattice (pictures below). The whistle (needless to say), does not work. Have any of you experienced this?









  4. Hi-

    I put together my UMO+ last week, and I got a few good prints from it. Then, I changed the filament color and the big wooden "extrude" wheel isn't turning, I made the flowrate 150%, and the wheel is now turning very, very slowly with major underextrusion. I ran the printer without the wheel, and found the little black gear is turning just fine. Also- my kit shipped with one less washer and the Delrin clip broke. So, right now my printer is running with one washer and no clip. The knurled nut is far enough so that a portion of the depressed part of the nut is sticking out? Have any of you experienced this?



  5. Hi-

    I just built a UMO+, and I have been browsing throught the forums looking at mods for the printer. For those of you who have the model—which mods do you find most useful and how hard are they to put together with basic electrical engineering knowledge?


  6. Mark the pulleys and shafts with a felt tip pen so that you can see which one is moving.


    What should I look for when I mark them? And also—which pulleys should I mark — the ones linked to the stepper motors or the ones linked to the shafts?

  7. Hello,

    I just finished putting together my UMO+, and I test printed the UM robot. When it started printing, the brim overlappped itself, and then it started leaning the print on the Y axis (towards the front), about 7mm per layer. Is this an easy fix?

    Thank you,


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