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Posts posted by LesHall

  1. one could also say you thought of it a bit late :p

    just kidding... the whole makerbot story is just so sad.. I guess soon all that's left of them is a patent troll ...


    well in regard to the origination of ideas, when an idea's time is at hand many people will think it up repeatedly in various places and times. personally I am entirely disgusted with the USPTO's very existence. They are an adversarial organization designed to stomp on the individual creator / inventor and give all the patents to the fat cats like TakerBot. This needs to change, and my approach to changing it is as mentioned, to "Robin Hood" the ideas, in other words implement patents as open source. That way, as soon as the design files and instructions get released, anyone can build them. Take that big business! Ouch!


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  2. Yeah so there is this notion of continuous printing in which you print on a paper sheet and then when the print is done you push the print off into a bin, feed a new paper bed on top of the flat bed, then print another tray.  

    I have this idea, must have been done in research, of making a long strip of cloth or chainmaille or similar material by printing in x with a section of y, then a belt rolls one row then you print another roll then the belt advances and so on, could print arbitrary lengths of cloth this way.  


  3. Behold! My creation, this device is intended to help you make copies of small objects in wax, clay, or other soft materials. I came up with it out of my age old brain, lol, ancient wisdom (or the lack thereof) going zany again! So someone told me about the Router Duplicator which is a big huge version of this little plastic thing. He showed me some youtube video s of the things making guitar bodies and such. But the one shown below is for smaller stuff and soft materials. Anyway, behold!


    That's the third print almost ready to test for mechanical motion and stability. It's parameterized in OpenSCAD and I'll upload the DupliGator.scad file soon enough on YouMagine. This third one I optimized for a quick print and I think I made the tool and rod parts too spindly and small. Maybe a little bigger will work best. Also I have a lot of tweaking to do.


    Les get to it!


  4. 5a331d21c5a8d_DupliGator-1(1).thumb.jpg.223c7553b02c65b118b5e334538761c1.jpg

    OK so Sander challenged me to be a winner not a quitter, so I put a lot of time today into this wayward endeavor and now it's time for a POW-WOW! Pictured are my first attempt, so slack that she cannot even stand up. Or maybe she's on substances and cannot even stand up! Lol that was me back in my drinking days (sober 1.5+ years now). So the one on the right stands but her feet are so big and gently tapered and smooth on the bottom and she's not balanced so she just snowski's down the ramp.

    What's good about both of them is that the hinges are print-in-place. Yep, no hardware or filament or pin or anything required! It uses the phenomenal bridging capability of the Ultimaker (a true luxury compared to my old Printerbot) to make hinge pins at the top of the bot's legs. So at least that is done right or nearly right.

    The reason I say POW-WOW is I'd like some feedback on what to do next?


    Les be friends!



    Could it be.. that this challenge is too difficult for our community of experts??






    .. is this working? Is anyone feeling challenged now? :p


    Yes, I feel robotically challenged!


    So I printed and buit the robot made by some skilled combatant in this competition - thanks BTW - and it did not walk, not for me anyway. I roughened up the bottom of his little robot footsies to get better traction and that seems to help. Actually after some fitting with the X-Acto around the PLA hinge the thing sort of walked a little but not really. Then i got fed up and quit. Sigh.


  6. 5a331d0f6d77f_kittensupported.thumb.jpg.e5ae39b16d7aad576dbeecd6aeb3326a.jpg

    Yay it worked... sorta kinda, but not really. See this photo shows that the support for the head and ears goes all the way to the ground. I want to see it grow from an internal spot to the place unside the top of the part where it is needed. Then later we can add it coming from an angle from a side wall, even better!


    Les make it happen!

  7. I think cura does support inside a cavity. You just have to tell it to do support everywhere not just from build plate.

    I tried it and it worked! This will create a major speedup for me, thanks owen!!!

  8. If you have been thinking of it and I have been thinking of it, I bet a bunch of others have too. Sounds like an idea that's ripe for action! Any Cura programmers around?


    Les make it happen!

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