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Posts posted by kenjo

  1. So my printer has problems detecting the sdcard when inserted. I removed the IO card to get access to the card slot and it works fine when I insert the card and press on the top of the reader. Once the card is detected I no longer need to press and things works. 

    Now I wanted to replace the part as I suspect springs/pins has been damaged so it no longer connect to the pads on the card. But what is the part number ??? 


    I found something like it here DM1AA-SF-PEJ


    Is that the correct one ?? 


  2. Well clearly we all understand what scaling a model does.

    It's doing it automatically that make no sense. Of everything I printed only a very few could actually be scaled. Most of the thing I print needs to be the size its designed to be and changing it is just going to make the whole thing useless.

    If the thing do not fit ask the user don't just assume it's ok to scale. Its to easy to miss that this scaling happens and the result is WAY worse than having a model that can not be sliced until the user scales it to fit.

    I see no reason to retain this feature, just always ask the user.

    • Like 1
  3. I just wasted 15 hours and a lot of plastic on the autoscale feature. namely I did not notice that it did scale the STL file and printed it.

    Now the feature is possible to turn off but I would like to know in what situation do this option EVER need to be on ??

    Having it on can result in really bad result as I just experienced can anything equally bad happen if it is not ON ??

    That is I would really really like to see that option not existing at all as this problem is going to happen to more people than me. If the model is to large put up a dialog or something asking if it should be scaled but do not do it automatically.

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    Now I can't test this but I'm 99% sure that this is not working for me. I could change layer one at a time yes but the rendering was not one layer at a time and that is what I want. It rendered always every layer from 1 up to the layer number I selected. And this may look cool or whatever but its not a very useful view. For now I can use a external layer viewer but I would very much have the option to just see one layer at a time.


    Oh, now I understand what you mean. I don't think the old cura had that feature either.


    I think it does!



    the layer view no longer have single layer option since this was the only mode I really used this is a deal breaker. Is this planned to be added later ?


    We use it to. It's still there. Read the manual ;)(ctrl + arrow in layer view or selecting the layer number & press up/down key)


    Now I can't test this but I'm 99% sure that this is not working for me. I could change layer one at a time yes but the rendering was not one layer at a time and that is what I want. It rendered always every layer from 1 up to the layer number I selected. And this may look cool or whatever but its not a very useful view. For now I can use a external layer viewer but I would very much have the option to just see one layer at a time.



    I no longer have any way to create gcode files that is usable with octoprint http://octoprint.org/. It used to be possible to change the gcode flavor. In fact its no longer possible to change any machine parameters. Are we supposed to create machine settings by hand now ?


    It is possible, but we see machine parameters as imutable. If you want something that is different, it's seen as a different machine.


    How about explaining how its possible I clearly did not figure out how to do it.



    when saving gcode files the directory is not remembered I always get my home directory and have to navigate to where I store the gcode files every time. really really annoying. It works fine for opening files that one remembers where I was last time but not the save to file.


    I agree. But we also got a lot of feedback that remembering was annoying. In the end the axe came down to using home folder.


    So moving to a directory that we are about 100% sure is the wrong one is the selected solution. I think this is a very bad decision nobody stores gcode files in the home directory directly .

    • Like 1
  6. A few observations.

    the layer view no longer have single layer option since this was the only mode I really used this is a deal breaker. Is this planned to be added later ?

    I no longer have any way to create gcode files that is usable with octoprint http://octoprint.org/. It used to be possible to change the gcode flavor. In fact its no longer possible to change any machine parameters. Are we supposed to create machine settings by hand now ?

    when saving gcode files the directory is not remembered I always get my home directory and have to navigate to where I store the gcode files every time. really really annoying. It works fine for opening files that one remembers where I was last time but not the save to file.

    There is an issue with the GUI on linux with intel 3d drivers (mesa) there is no way to activate anti aliasing (msaa) I tried to force it on with INTEL_FORCE_MSAA=1 but it did not have any effect. would be nice if this was an option that could be turned on as it makes the rendering much nicer to look at. Its also slower so this needs to be optional not everybody will want it on.

  7. the problem I have with ABS is layer separation I don't think it is happening on the bolts I printed as the break surface showed that the layers was more or less totally fused. But when I print larger prints in abs with an unmodified ultimaker 2+ the print almost self destructs there is visible cracks and its very easy to snap it apart.

    Really wished I know it was this hard to print ABS before I bought it. Now it looks like I need to make some sort of door and top to keep the build area hot for ABS printing :(. Or find some other plastic that is car safe (can be very hot inside at sunny days).

  8. Yes 10 sec worked much better. unfortunately the bolt I printed had a design problem that made it really weak. the hole for the hex wrench is way to deep and makes the whole bolt easily snap of. But using the nut on the rod I was unable to break it without using tools.

    I will test with PLA also later. and have some nylon and PETG ordered.

  9. So I was trying to print some nuts and bolts to see if they was actually useful for real use.

    I'm printing this unmodified http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:193647 using ABS filament from ultimaker.

    One thing that did not work was printing the bolts. what was happening was that the plastic was to soft and after a while just got stuck in the printer head and then the print was a failure.

    I'm not sure if the problem is to much plastic or to little cooling. I was using 100% infill to get a strong result. since I don't know how to change the amount of plastic extruded I changed the minimum layer time from 3 to 10 to get more cooling.

    Now what is happening is that at every layer ultimaker is doing a pause. as can be seen here.


    But it look to be very unoptimal as the fan is now blowing on the side of the object. Is this something that works on ultimaker 2 but not on ultimaker2+ ?

    or is the move only done to get the printhead away from the object to avoid dripping?

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