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Everything posted by mmoerders

  1. Hey folks, I have the most stupid basic question ... how do I actually calculate the price if I print something for somebody else? ^^ First of all, I am just a stupid graphic designer, so please forgive me if you have to explain this step by step Here comes my example: This dude approached me and he wants a 15cm tall object printed. I am using the Ultimaker 2+ and a filament that costs 40€/750g. Cura tells me if I use the "normal print" settings, it takes 8h 34min to print, uses 6,19m of filament, weighing 49g. But I could also use the "fast print" settings (which are totally fine in my eyes for the project), which would result in 4h 38min, 5,46m and 43g. I know that in theory you need to calculate something like a "printing price per hour", using the electricity costs, filament costs and such. But you also need to take the costs for the maintenance of the printer itself into consideration. And I haven't got the slightest idea how to do that. I mean the machine can run smoothly for months and then, bam, the nozzle gets clogged, you need to buy a heatgun to get the molten plastic out of the print head, the whole stuff takes you 3 hours, you accidentially melt one of the printer's fans, you need to buy a new fan and the whole thing ends up costing you nearly 100€ ... happened to me last month. It was a pleasure. But how on earth do you calculate for these kind of things in advance?! As I said, please forgive me for having to explain this whole thing step by step. But I thought talking to actual human beings, telling me from their experiences, might be far more insightful than looking up that kind of knowledge on Google. I actually did already a while ago but it didn't help me I am looking forward to your feedback, thank you very much!
  2. Doppelpost! Yeah! ^^ Ich glaube, die Antwort auf meine Frage "B" habe ich eben gerade selber gefunden. Kann es sein, dass es das hier ist? https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/50657-replace-the-hot-end-cooling-fan
  3. Hi Leute, ich muss den mittleren Lüfter im Druckkopf meines Ultimaker 2+ wechseln (nicht die beiden äußeren, die das Druckobjekt kühlen, sondern den dazwischen). Die technischen Daten des Lüfters sind wie folgt: SUNON Maglev MC25060V1-000U-A99 DC5V --- 0.58W F5633E Ein Foto des Problemlüfters seht ihr unten im Anhang. Nun zu meinen Fragen A) Könnt ihr mir sagen ob das hier das richtige Ersatzteil ist? https://www.digikey.de/product-detail/de/sunon-fans/MC25060V1-000U-A99/259-1552-ND/2757801 Und wenn nicht, wo ich ein adäquates Teil herbekomme? B) Wie genau wechsel ich den Lüfter dann überhaupt? Ich habe hier dieses schöne Video gefunden, das beschreibt wie man einen UM 2 zu einem UM 2+ aufrüstet. Dort sagen sie bei Minute 1:06 etwas von "Disconnect the hot end fan from the middle of the board". Gehe ich also richtig in der Annahme, dass das Kabel von meinem Problemlüfter durch den schwarzen Kabelkanal, der mit Klammern am Bowden Tube befestigt ist, bis ganz nach unten zum Mainboard unterhalb des Druckers geht? Da stellt sich mir die Frage, ist das Kabel vom Ersatzteil wirklich auch genau so lang? Und wie bekomme ich das neue Kabel dann durch den schwarzen Kabelkanal? ^^ Ich freue mich riesig über eure Hilfe! Auch wenn ihr irgendwelches hilfreiches Bild- oder Videomaterial habt, immer her damit. Liebe Grüße!
  4. Hi folks, I've been mostly printing with my Ultimaker 2+ without supports, since I design my models mostly myself (examples). However I want to dive into the topic supports so I can also print models which I downloaded from various websites. Take this little helmet for example. The whole thing is 7cm wide and 5cm high. First of all, yes, I would have saved material if I had printed the model upside down. I did this on purpose so I don't have to remove the supports from the topside, giving it a nice and clean finish. Anyway, it took me over one hour to remove all the supports. It was really a pain. The removal wasn't easy at all, it felt so tightly connected to the main structure. I don't think that this is how it's supposed to work. Especially when I watch some YouTube videos and see how easily and effortlessly other people remove their support structures. So I want to ask, is there maybe a a better setting or a a "go-to-configuration" for these support structures, making them easier to remove? Here are the settings I used (losely translated from my german version of Cura 2.3.1) support structure activated: yes where to place the stuff: everywhere angle for overhangs: 45° pattern of the structure: zickzack connect zickzack elements: yes density of the structure: 15% By the way, I'm using the original Ultimaker Silver PLA Filament (Link). I heard a lot of people recommend to use Simplyfy3D for support structures, but I thought I give Cura a try before spending 150$ on it, since I am using Cura for everything else so far and I'm quite happy with it. I'm looking forward to you answers! Thanks a lot, Marius
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