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Everything posted by mrhill741

  1. We started with using the recommended settings believing these would be the best to get started. We have done the latest firmware update as of 11/29, but we had done a firmware update at unboxing. When we go into "Custom" the default retraction is 6.5mm which seems really high. After the last firmware update we noticed others complaining of the high retraction value and reset it to 2mm. We are trying another print at the new retraction setting and it has been running much longer without loss of extrusion. We hope this one finishes with no issue.
  2. We set up a new Ultimaker 3 and have been having a hard time getting anything to print successfully. What appears to be happening is that every time retraction occurs the filament is being pulled completely from the hot end and we not longer get extrusion. We are printing with Cura 2.3.1. We have disabled retraction completely in the software yet the print still performs retraction. We turned on combing as well to reduce retraction. We are printing using the silver PLA that came with the printer. We have started our job without using print head 2 for support just to get printing and not having to learn how to get PVA to stick to PLA. We have checked the feeder tension so it is not grinding the filament. We have performed base layer tests without issue. As soon as the printer finishes the brim, which is perfect, and starts building layers up we get failure to extrude after the first retraction. Retraction pulls the filament completely away from the hot end. How do we force the printer to not perform retraction or fix retraction so it does not pull the filament so far out of the hot end?
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