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Everything posted by Jeffg1

  1. To try something different, I have a copy of Cura 21.02 (Lulzbot) and so I created a machine instance with the same settings and added the same part. The screenshot below shows the output Gcode. As you can see, it is extruding at a much faster rate, comparable to the Gcode file that came with my machine. I think my next step is to uninstall Cura 2.3.1 and reinstall it again.
  2. I had a glitch operating Cura with my UM3 so I did a fresh install. After the install I tried running a print with my other machine (Monoprice Maker Select v2). At first I thought I was having a hardware issue, but I have eliminated those causes. The print does not stick to the surface at all. It just beads up around the nozzle. In the attached image I am comparing the Gcode for a file that came with the printer, and a new Gcode that I just made with my current copy of cura 2.3.1. The Gcode on the left runs fine on my printer. The one on the right fails to stick to the buildplate. If you look at the Gcode extruder positions, it is clear that the extrusion rate is significantly less than it should be. What controls this? I have confirmed that I am specifying the correct filament diameter in Cura, and that my nozzle diameter is set correctly. The machine settings I used are Prusia Mendel i3, and I created a print profile using a previous known good Gcode import.
  3. When, or or perhaps Will TPU 95A material be added to the materials approved for the UM3? It currently shows as only being compatible with the UM2+, but logically I would think that UM would develop all new hardware to be backward compatible with all previously introduced UM materials. Has anyone tried printing in a UM3 with it? Has anyone tried it in combination with PVA supports? Thanks Jeff
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