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Posts posted by dklon

  1. I've tried creating a branch, publishing it, and tried to create a Pull Request. I do not have permissions to do any of these things apparently.

    All of the documentation online for Github suggests I am doing this correctly but apparently there's something I'm missing.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I've been using Cura now for the last week or so and have been impressed with it. So much impressed that I thought I would contribute a post-processing plugin that allows for filament changes for multicolor prints.

    This was originally made for my Prusa i3 MK2S, but I think it will also work with other printers, if the firmware for it supports the M600 G-code command for filament change.

    Basically you just enter in your layer(s) where filament change is needed, and it will handle the rest. There are some extra parameters for filament retraction amounts. Multiple layers can be specified by making it a comma-delimited list.

    I just thought I would share this with the community. Hopefully somebody else will find this useful. I've tested this plugin on a print successfully also (see attached).

    Now to figure out how to share the plugin file...





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