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Everything posted by jfedotovs

  1. Thanks, I will try next time with defult settings and updated Cura.
  2. I'm curious kman. Why would UM have specced PLA at a mean temp of 210°C? Do you find 195°C still gives your model good adhesion and strength? I know you print big models so maybe you've found 195°C better for that. When I was printing with this temp. (195°), in my opinion it looks like layers stick to gether not enough good, the model was... I don't know best expression.. I would say- dry, becouse under the force layers devides quite easly. And I thought, I have to rise a temp. a bit higher. But still, I have read in a lot of forums about temp. and in conclusion I decide to print with temp, between 200° and 205°
  3. Ok, I will try to update my sowtfare and after six day I will try again, when this one will be finished. Thanks.
  4. I have all defult settings, exept speed 60mm/s and temperature 203 degree. I agree with You that this material print really good, and normal size details looks realy nice, and layers looks almost like one solid materials, but exetly with this big detail, when details high is already 7-8cm, I start to notice this wires. I have printed this detail for few times and this wires of silver material are aproximetly in the same places all the times. But still, even doesn't look to these wires, layers look really nice,.
  5. I have 203 degree and speed 60mm/s for silver PLA. When I print smaller details, then I didn't notice such a problems, but with such a huge detail I have this problems. I have tried to print this part already for third time, and previosly these "wires" were aprocimetly in the same position, like right now You can see in the pirctures. I am using Cura 2.7.0.
  6. Hello, I have to print big module, it takes around 10 days and in a final should be around 30cm high. I am using Ultimaker 3 extender. But as You can see in a pictures I have a problem, that silver PLA material makes such an ugly wires on edges. Things what confuse me, is that it starts in a few layers, then it stops and then starts again. After keeping detail in a water and PVA material disolve, main detail looks not very nice becouse of ugly PLA metarial wires which are left.
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