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Posts posted by diederik

  1. Hi


    I am trying to print DNA modelling blocks. However, when I drag the files into Cura, Cura puts them directly on the bed. 
    When I print the model, I find the lower parts (where they touch the bed, not good. That is why I am trying to put them a little heigher in cura, not touching the bed. 

    However, they drop down automatically to the bed. When I click the part, and I change the Z value from 0 to 5, the value changes back to 0 and the model goes back on the floor. 

    I thougt to 'stack' different parts' to resolve the problem (and so only the bottom part wouldn't be that good ... but is it possible that Cura does not allow this ? 


    Kind regards


  2. Hello


    Does someone has a gcode for a min-max tower for temperature testing (torture test) (to test what temperature is best, in steps of 5°C)? I googled and found one, but it says it was for the ultimaker 2. I don't know enough if such a file can be used on every 3d printer or not. 

    Kind regards


  3. Hi


    This afternoon I did a firmware update to the Ultimaker 3 I am borrowing. 


    Before the update, when auto-levelling, the printer choose 2 points in the front (one left, one right) and one in the back (in the middle).


    After the update, I notice the printer chooses two ponts on the left (on in the front and one in the back) and one on the right (in the middle). 


    Why ? Is it possible to change this, or to use 4 points ?


    Kind regards


  4. Hi all


    I am trying to print this microphone shock mount (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:44425).

    I have printed it once succesfully, but I found it a little too light to use (specially the 'foot' and I would like to have some more 'infill' to make it denser; more compact and hence stronger. 



    I adjusted in Cura the infill to 40% (instead of 20%), but this doesn't seem to change (because the inside does not look like being filled for 40%). (And I reduced support print speed to 30).


    Or do I have to change another parameter ? 

    I also noted that the 'infill' consists of small 'walls', but because they are so thin, the nozzle pushes them flat, and then stringing appears. This happens also with the thin supports (consisting of white filamanet) surrounding the ring. 


    So my main question is: how do I change the 'infill' ... or can't I ?


    Kind regards





  5. Hi


    1) Are the users didierk or deiderik connected to my account ? I might have registered before ... I don't remember. If so, those accounts may be deleted.



    Anyway I like my brim that thin.  It means the part will stick VERY WELL!


    Can you explain this ? Do thinner brims stick better ? 


    Kind regards


  6. Hi all


    I am relatively new to 3D printing and I have an Ultimaker 3 that I can use for some weeks. 

    I have already encountered (and solved) a dozen problems, but I noticed that the brim (or first layer(s)) on the back left of the bed are very very very thin, much thinner than on the rest of the bed. 

    I attached a picture to illustrate it. The pictures is far from superb, but you can see the brim having a much lighter color (caution: the back of the bed is on the picture at the left side).


    It is not so much of a problem till now, the rest of the print is okay. But maybe when I will need to print a larger object, it might become an issue. 



    Is this because of the bed not completely level ? 

    However, before printing this object, I ran the auto-level function....


    If this would be the result because of a nonperfect bed-level, is it because this part is too high or too low (I would say too high?)? 




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