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Posts posted by Tafelspitz

  1. I am very happy to report that after replacing the two fans everything is now up and running again. Printing the first post disaster part as I'm writing this. It runs very smoothly indeed. In fact, the two new fans seem to be significantly quieter than the old ones. So I gained something out of the disaster after all.

    And I did learn a great deal. So here's to a happy end.

    Thanks again to all of you who stood by with sound advice. Very much appreciated.

    • Like 1
  2. Yes, indeed! ๐Ÿ˜„
    Turns out I inadvertently fryed both fans with the heat gun in the process of freeing the Olsson block from its nylon mess ๐Ÿฅณ
    There I was paying careful attention not to overheat any wires and other parts, but obviously I messed up with the fans. But then the heatgun is kind of a blunt instrument.

    Anyway, replacements are already on the way, not much of a problem.

    On the bright side I got to know the whole printer better.

    You learn the most about any instrument or tool by taking it apart ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I got the hotend free from its aluminium support. Heating the whole thing up and then turning the isolator got that one free.

    After that I got a couple of chunks of the Nylon blob away and finally got through to the screw that holds the hotend to the aluminium plate. Whew.

    I have already ordered all of the necessary spare parts. Maybe I can yet salvage the ruby nozzle, but it's going to be tough and messy.
    Maybe I'll be able to dissolve the Nylon filament in acetic acid (don't worry, I'm a professional) but then this may attack the brass as well. But it's at least worth a try. If it goes wrong or doesn't work I'll be no worse off that now.

    • Like 1
  4. Thank you guys and gals ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


    Using the heat gun trick I got as far as disassembling the fan plate and heat coupler. Some prying with a screwdriver was also involved. Now the hotend is a different story... there's a thick layer of Nylon all around it and no way of getting to the screws.
    Let's see what heating the hotend leads up to. I'll keep you posted.

    However this turns out, I'm probably gonna end up ordering a new Olsson block, heater, sensor, and nozzle. Could have been worse, I guess.


  5. As the title implies, I'm a bit in trouble ๐Ÿค”

    I Started printing with Fiberforce Nylforce carbon fiber and at first, everything ran smoothly. After babysitting the print for the first couple of layers I then left to go about some othe business.

    When I got back to the printer later, it was stuck with "Temp Sensor Error".ย  Apparently the print got loose from the bed and a big blob of material is now stuck around the nozzle and oozed inside the print head where it accumulated around the temperature sensor and what not (see pictures) ๐Ÿค•
    Since the carbon fibre is rather tough I can't see this getting easily removed from inside the print head.


    Any tips, hints or general advise how to best solve this?

    Short of replacing the whole print head I can't see how to best proceed.




  6. Have you checked the actual diameter of your filament? (Determineย at several places in 2 directions (90ยฐ). I once had a woody filament that was only about 1,6 mm despite its declaration of 1,8 and it also under extruded for this reason. Giving Cura the actual diameter of the filament fixed this issue.

    Other than that, I guess it could be that your teflon coupler needs replacement.

  7. Just a thought, and I'm sure it has come up somewhere already, and it's not a bug per se, but a minor annoyance.
    But wouldn't it be nice if the slicing could be held off until all of the settings in cura are made? I find it mildly annoying, especially with bigger and more complex builds when cura starts slicing after every single parameter change.

    Or, at the very least, make it optional to behave one way or the other as I'm sure some folks like it the way it isย ;)

  8. On 2/28/2018 at 4:50 AM, csmicfool said:

    One thing I've never figured out in cura is how to move the camera up/down once you select a view so I never get a good look at what I'm printing like I really want to.ย  Another topic altogether lol


    @csmicfool: hold the shift key on your keyboard while right-mouse-dragging.ย ย 

  9. 8 hours ago, gr5 said:

    @Tafelspitzย - are you absolutely certain you didn't install a USB cable between your computer and your printer and update the firmware on your printer? ย Because there is a code change in the firmware that would explain everything. ย But only if you updated your firmware when you switched to Cura 3.2.


    Short answer: Yes, I'm absolutely, positively sure. And let me qualify this statement by saying that I would have to physically haul the printer across the room to even get it in range for an USB cable.


    Long answer: I bought my UM2+ early in January. While setting it up, I installed Cura 3.1, which was the latest version back then, and updated the printer's firmware. I then disconnected the USB cable and moved the printer to its dedicated place across the room, where it sits ever since.


    I did many successful prints with 3.1.

    After the 3.2 beta came out, I wanted to give it a try, so I installed it along 3.1 and sliced a couple of things with this beta version. All of them failed due to the problem in question. I posted about this in the other thread, deleted 3.2 Beta and again successfully printed stuff sliced with 3.1.

    Along came 3.2 stable. I decided to give it a go and everything I printed with it instantly failed again.


    So I once again went back to 3.1 and everything is printing fine once again.


    Just the other day I printed some more filament spool clips from a file I had on my memory card. The print failed and I just then remembered that the file in question was sliced with 3.2 beta back then.



    - The printer firmware is from Cura 3.1.
    - Everything sliced with Cura 3.1 prints fine
    - Everything sliced with Cura 3.2.x fails.

  10. On 2/21/2018 at 9:04 PM, Tafelspitz said:

    I printed the peg again using the same file I created with Cura 3.2.1 and made a short movie of the end of the print to show you what's actually happening:

    The printer puts on the top layer and then, before retracting and parking the print head, it does this weird action. The extruder shredders the filament in this process, btw.

    I also uploaded my mac specs and the printer file in question.

    Screen Shot 2018-02-21 at 19.23.33.png



    1 hour ago, gr5 said:

    Good to know.ย  Over in the French forum they seem to be finding this is only happening on macs.ย  Can you confirm your os?


    That's affirmitive. See above.

  11. 1 hour ago, Pieter Kapteijn said:

    Now at the end of each print the UM2+ leaves a 'pimple' of PLA at the final point before retracting....

    Is this a bug? Does anyone else have this problem?

    Yes, see posts aboveย :fingerscrossed:ย Welcome to the club.



    1 hour ago, gr5 said:

    This is a recent bug and there are many questions about this.ย  Did you update your printers firmware recently? Because the firmware that comes with cura 3.2 has this exact bug.


    Also mac or pc? Someone seems to think this is a mac only issue but more likely it's the firmware.


    I don't think it's the firmware since it only happens with prints sliced with Cura 3.2 and not with 3.1 on my printer with the same firmware (_2.6.2).

  12. 1 hour ago, smartavionics said:

    Could you please post the gcode created by 3.1 so they can be compared.

    Thank you for looking into it. Here's the part sliced with 3.1. I'm not sure I have all the settings 100% identical to the version created with 3.2, but it mostly should be.



    BTW, after carefully watching what happens at the end of the 3.2 print, I don't think that the nozzle presses down in this sense. It looks more like the nozzle stays on top of the print and the printer extrudes a blob of plastic on top of it, resulting in the nozzle clogging and the extruder grinding. After that, the print head homes.

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