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Posts posted by Keventurist

  1. I've found that using adaptable layers, faster infill and supports, thicker infill layers ect it can quickly get impossible to find a temperature that works well for everything since the rate it's being asked to extrude plastic can vary so wildly.

    Hot enough for the fast thick infill means strings and blobs on the surface.

    Cool enough for the fine surface means jams and under extrusion on the infill.

    I've set up auto temp so it can go up and down but it can only adjust so fast.


    So I was wondering if there is a way to smooth out the flow so the nozzle has a chance to heat/cool.


    Essentially when suddenly asked to deliver a lot more plastic it could slow the print right down so the actual volume of plastic remains similar. Then slowly speed up as the temperature rises. And before it has to deliver less it could slow back down as the nozzle cools in preparation.


    Does this exist already? Or if not could it work?


    (I couldn't find it from Googling but that could just be not knowing what to call it)



  2. When I use Linear Advance combined with retractions I get under/over extruding issues.

    Had one where it barely printed for a couple of layers then carried on creating a weak spot.

    Always does it on the same point in the model.


    Linear advance with no retraction works well on most of it but very long travels and waits for min layer time produce too much oozing

    Tried it with fw retractions but still got problems


    So I generated the gcode without any retractions then used Notepad++ to





    adding fw retractions at layer changes.


    This works well so far, though when I used (M204(.*\r\n){0,10};LAYER:([\s\S]*?);TYPE:\S+(?:\s\S+)?) instead I still got similar issues so maybe it's the placement?


    Anyone else been struggling with similar?

  3. Thanks! That was fast.

    I was looking for some documentation on writing Cura plugins so I could try these idea out myself. But it seems a little scarce..


    Can I ask which material you tried it out with?

    I expect with PLA it would only benefit slightly but with PETG it might have more of an effect...


    Hope extra cooling on the first layers of supports on top of a model works out well too

  4. First. Much yay for the bridge control :) 


    Now, I'm just going to go through my thinking incase I'm being dense and there's already a better way to do this.


    I was wanting to up the fan speed for parts of a layer that are over any change from support-to-model or model-to-support.

    The idea being that more rapid cooling there (especially with PETG) would cause the model and supports to bond less well.

    Alas I couldn't find any options for exactly this.


    However the bridge settings alter the fan on bridges/overhangs. The very parts of a model that would need support anyway...

    The trouble is once the support is generated the walls above stop registering as bridge, though the skin still does (see pic).

    Would it be possible to have an option to "ignore generated supports" entirely when determining bridges?


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