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Posts posted by JvH

  1. On 10/6/2022 at 7:12 AM, dfl_s5 said:


    Did anyone solve this issue? We have also a print job being duplicated a couple hundred times with no ability to stop or select all and delete from the queue. The above post was a year ago. I would have thought that it is solved by now....

    Apparently not, I had this issue today the queue is filled up with 216 times the same component. I have no clue how to get rid of this queue. Any ideas? This seems to be a recurring very serious and bad issue. Please come up with solutions


  2. I know I can save it as a 3mf file but a co-worker saved as ufp file and I need to get it working. Up to now I could read ufp files. I got a message how to handle the file and suddenly I says the g-code is not suitable for the printer and printer configuration before sending it. To investigate the issue I saved a project as ufp file and immediately reread the file. Same issue. It is frustrating because it used to work.

  3. I have the same issues, I export a file as an ultimaker format package. Rereading this file raises this "error". Nothing has changed in the settings. Just exporting and rereading. Pretty weird. Up to now I've used this format to exchange files with co-workers without any hassle. Any ideas on what is going wrong here? I've even completely reinstalled Cura. The only thing I've changed is the way I connected to the printer. I used to be via direct utp connection and now it is setup as a cloud printer.

  4. The part had been removed by an employee who was unaware of the necessity to notify the printer that the part had been removed.

    That it is not possible to prevent damage to the printer sounds reasonable, but as GregValiant said, I can see through the camera if something has already been started. The problem arose when I aborted the printing process about 3 seconds after I realized I had forgotten something in my design. Nothing happened in that short period of time. But the printer did not return to the idle state. I imagine it must be possible to recognize that nothing has been printed yet. 

    Can you tell me where I can read more about the mentioned possibility via SSH to give this command. That sounds like the solution to this problem. 

  5. With the Ultimaker S5 I have to confirm that I removed the printed object form the build plate. If I didn't do so I have a problem when I want to send a new design to the printer. It will only be queued instead of printed.  This is very annoying since I have to go back to the printer, in my case going back to work from home to initiate the printing session. Is it somehow possible to remotely tell the printer that the printed object is removed? If not, it would be very helpful to include this possibility in future versions of Cura

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