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Everything posted by ryankurte

  1. interesting, so i actually have a UM2+ (upgraded from UM2) which has the inverted feeder. i see in a bunch of comments you've suggested tinkergnome has an option to toggle axis inversion, but, i can't seem to find it or any reference to where it _should_ be? (also, do ultimaker make old versions of _their_ firmware available anywhere? it seems like the GitHub repos were never updated and their software download section that's linked from everywhere else is now _gone_)
  2. hey thanks for the response! i've been using ultimaker marlin (for it's previously excellent stability) for a couple of years prior to seeing these issues crop up. and i've factory reset and re-flashed the ultimaker version following the issue a bunch of times in the hope it was something weird. do you think it's worth trying tinkerMarlin 16.01? i'm wondering whether i should revert the stock firmware back to something from 2016.
  3. hey hey, our UM2 has just developed this error. often during a print the screen lock up with a couple of lines through it and the interface will stop working. when this happens the print will still _finish_ but the nozzle never retracts so it just sits melting wherever it stopped. i’ve updated the firmware (a couple of times) and tried with new SD cards but the issue still occurs, and i haven’t found any useful way of getting data out about how/why. my gut feeling is that it’s a hardware failure somewhere, but, i’m just wondering if anyone has worked out _what_ that is likely to be or been down this path already? it doesn’t seem to be a reset, because you’d expect printing to stop and the ui to function again, so i’m wondering whether it could be a power supply issue / brown-out, but there’s also not much in the way of power circuitry on the board that you’d expect to go wrong and i’d kindof hope the firmware would detect that. i’d much rather repair the existing mainboard than replace it if it’s possible, but, i’m grasping at straws at the moment as to _what_ would cause the problem.
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