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Everything posted by tinuviel88

  1. It worked. I might have gotten a bit carried away with the dummy towers, but it worked. Finally an acceptable print! Thank you all for the help!
  2. Thank you for the reply. I tried to print again with the cube towers and it is better, but still not clean or accurate enough to function. Should I make the towers wider? Or do you think something else might be a good adjustment? My settings were: .2 layer height infill 30% temp 195 speed 60 minimum layer time 10 everything else was standard
  3. Hello, I have been using an S5 to try and print this band saw part in ultimaker PLA without any success https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3471256 The main body prints perfect, however when it gets to the cylinder notches on the top they appear to be overheating and just melting the layers. I have tried increasing the minimum layer time, slowing down the entire print, lowering the temp, printing multiple parts at once, a smaller nozzle, a prime tower, pausing after each layer of the cylinder, no infill- 100% infill, and I still cannot get a clean solid print. I even tried to print the cylinder separate in an attempt to glue it back in. Any suggestions would be appreciated as I am starting to think this just isn't possible on my machine. bandsaw.stl
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