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Posts posted by arthurmsarthur

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 


    I am reaching out to you guys to hear experiences about a systemic way to re-purpose/recycle empty spools and leftover filament.



    As you can see in the picture, we have a lot of empty spools and leftover filament (leftover bits from Material Station) that we have been accumulating over the months. I tried to research online but everything I find are gimmicky ways to re-purpose spools, but that is not really a solution once we start talking about the hundreds of thousands of spools that are being manufactured and discarded every day within our 3D printing market. I reached out to some manufacturers and resellers of filaments and it seems this is not really a concern for any of them, so I decided to reach out to you guys, as users, to see what are your thoughts about it? Any short-term and long-term solution you guys had adopted for this issue of plastic waste?

    Feel like I will also be sharing the page for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 12 (https://sdgcompass.org/sdgs/sdg-12/) . Great resource for businesses and individuals when trying to find ways to make our living and modus operandi more sustainable. 


  2. Good Morning everyone, 


    My AA 0.4 nozzle recently clogged somehow, pretty odd and still don't know how it happened, usually I only have issues with the BBs. But anyways, the filament is stuck really well, hot pulls are not working, and I don't see to find a way to figure it out. I am wondering if you guys can give me some guidance since Ultimaker recommends opening the extruder only as a very last resource. 



  3. 1 hour ago, Deeps said:

    Well I'm sure that's supremely frustrating!

    Has ultimaker had any creative answers to the air manager not found error? I've seen multiple people on the forum losing big prints due to this. 


    As this happened this morning I just ended a support chat with them. Since my printer is under warranty they will send a replacement cable to see if it fixes the problem. 
    I am assuming you saw people talking about the same error through the following:

    I will keep you posted as it goes.

  4. Just wanted to add that I did have some major failures on large prints due to misconnection between Pro Bundle components, especially compared to my regular S5 who never presented this errors. To give Ultimaker some credit, some of the material change errors I was experience in the beginning seems to be fixed after a firmware update, but new errors keeps coming, as a matter of fact, this was a failed print from this morning after almost 3 days of printing time, the printer claimed ER80 (Air Manager not found):

  5. 1 hour ago, geert_2 said:


    Yes, that could work. But it could also fuse the support into the model, making it very hard to remove the support without extensive cutting and damaging the model. You have to test this first on a small test-model with variations.


    If I would have dual nozzle machines, I would use PVA-support in this case. However, to minimise PVA consumption and to maximise stability, I might custom design most of the supports to be printed in PLA, and only do a small PVA interface in-between. And I would use a sort of dovetail to make the PVA- and PLA-supports grip well onto each other. I can't try this of course, no dual-nozzle printers, but I believe it should work. The support would of course be a tree-like structure for good stability but economic material use. See this pic for the basic idea. See further down for simple tree-like structures.



    On my single nozzle UM2 printers, I use various techniques to make support removal easier, also in hard to reach areas, but still keep the bottom of the real model acceptable. However, this bottom inevitably has visible lines and gaps, as you have noticed. Otherwise it would fuse totally with the supports. Ribs do make tighter gaps possible (usually the ribs are 0.5mm wide, separated 1mm from each other). Idem for printing cooler. Also, printing small separate chunks with provisions for inserting hooks, knifes, and tools for pulling hard, makes tighter tolerances possible.


    This will take trial and error on small test pieces, to see what works for your materials, temperatures, models and speeds.















    That is actually a really good idea. I am tried to reduce the Z-distance a little more now and will see how that goes but that for sure is something worth trying. We will have quite a lot of pieces to produce coming up and if I can come up with a bullet-proof way to print them it would make life easier a little bit. I will explore this idea more. 


  6. 1 hour ago, gr5 said:

    If you are going to print it upside down like this then:

    1) The curved surface - right where it leaves the print bed - is much steeper (more horizontal) than 45 degrees.  You can't get good quality on surfaces that steep without PVA support.  So: would it be so horrible to make it 45 degrees initially as it leaves the flat part?  And then blend into a curve?


    2) The brim of your "hat" is simply underextruded because it was over support and gently fell down onto the support.  Not squishing out as normal.  So again, PVA support is a good option here.


    It's okay (even recommended) to do 0.8 nozzle with PLA on the left extruder and 0.4 nozzle PVA on the right extruder (BB 0.4 seems to waste less PVA).


    You are right on point 1. Will try to change the design taking this into consideration. 

    I was trying to avoid using PVA and keep everything with PLA, I understand that most of the issues I am having will probably be solved with the use of PVA. It just adds time and cost to the prints. 


  7. I am going to try to bring this topic back in discussion since I am struggling with similar issues. 

    I have an Ultimaker S5 printing out of one nozzle with PLA, using the 0.8mm nozzle. 

    One picture shows a CURA screenshot with the support settings: I followed the suggestions of this thread and changed the default Z-distance to the same as the layer height, 0.4mm. I enabled the support roof to see if it would help, even knowing it would be harder to remove. 

    You guys will see pictures of the final piece once I removed the support. 


    I am still getting a rough finish, both on curved and on flat surfaces over supports. I understand that some of the issues comes from using a 0.8mm nozzle that doesnt come out as nice as the other ones, but I still believe I should be able to print this piece coming out better. I just wanted to hear opinions from the experts here. 


    And I could print the piece with the flanged surface facing down, but I am trying to keep the internal surface of the print looks good, the outside is not as important. But this is what I will try next, change the orientation and see how the printer will handle the support over the curved external surface. 


    Thank you in advance for the feedback!!!








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