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Posts posted by Zataras

  1. Hey @CarloK, is something like this https://github.com/Ultimaker/UM2.1-Firmware/blob/UM2.1_JarJar/Marlin/temperature.cpp#L552  that would connect that "direct register write"? if so, how can one compile it with Marlin 1.1.x? I follow the instructions, but no avail.

    Also, I found this version https://github.com/nullsibnelf/Marlin-for-UMOplus-UM2Extruders-E3Dv6lite

    that has the bltouch option, the hotend fan works, but there's no define ULTI_CONTROLLER. So very unfortunately the screen doesnt work.

  2. 33 minutes ago, CarloK said:

    The UM3 firmware is not going to help you since a lot of the bed leveling code is not handled by Marlin but by the extra Linux board.


    Porting the leveling code from Marlin to UM2 will be a lot of work. Both source codes were equal 6 years ago but then deviated in so many details that it will be a lot of work. Do-able, but very easy to miss out a few details and then it will take you long time to find the bugs. Make it a proper github fork and other people might be willing to help you and you help others by sharing the code.


    Best way to go seems to be to use the Marlin code as it is and add the few UM2 features that you find important. You will miss the Ultigcode flavour but the other gcode variants work just as well.

    Hi CarloK, thank you for the heads up. Marlin 1.1.x works fine is just that hotend fan that doesnt turn on,  and the leds on the controller that look pretty nice and it is not working either. I do not not how to make it a proper github fork, but it is the most reasonable suggestion that I heard so far.



  3. Thank you @tinkergnome, and I am not sure if the solution suggested in the previous thread resolved it. Nevertheless, I actually like more the Ultimaker 2 firmware than the marlin 1.1.x for various reason.

    Are you familiar with any version of the Ultimaker 2 firmware(official or not) w/ autobed leveling option in it?if not, how does it work to merge the autobed leveling option from the Marlin1.1x to the Ultimaker 2 firmware? 

    Or could I use the Ultimaker 3 firmware configured to my hardware?





  4. Howdy every one,


        I upgrade the UM2 firmware to Marlin 1.1.x version, so I could have access to BLtouch and some other extra features. The printer is working fine except for two things:


    • The Hotend auto fan will not work, no matter what I do. (same issue as here : )
    • The controller leds behind the nob will not turn on.

    Is there anyone who have a fully working UM2 with BLtouch able to share the firmware files or help?

    Thank you in advance,




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