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Posts posted by hauschka

  1. Dear Nallath,


    Thank you do much for this thorough answer. I certainly wasn't expecting this amount of detail.


    I have been looking into ahoeben's (fileofview) Octoprintplugin, especialy how he accesses the PrintMonitor part.
    However, since I'm unfamiliar with the inner workings of Cura, it raised a lot more questions, which is why I reverted to not "reusing" Cura's internal features, but just redrawing GUI elements in the MonitorStage and feeding it with values.

    Needless to say, that's apparently not the way to go 🙂


    @nallath, thank you so much again for clarifying this situation! I will a take a more in-depth dive into Cura's code and figure out how

    all the componenets work together.

    Is there by any chance a graphic/description that details how Cura's set up internally, that I missed?


    Al the best,


  2. Dear Cura plugin community,


    I would like to build an addon, with which I can display the printer's status and printbed temp within the "Monitor"-Tab.

    So far, I can query my printer via Wifi and get a json-style response via QNetworkRequest. However, since I am unfamiliar with Qt and QML, I am having troubles parsing this data to a Label within MonitorMain.qml


    So far, I have:



    class MonitorStage(CuraStage):
       def Response(self, reply):
        response  = json.loads#Here I get the json from the printer

    I'm having a hard time with Qt's signal/slot system, where I'm struggling to parse a value from the response to a QLabel in MonitorMain.qml



    Would any of the more seasoned programmers on this board be able to point me to the right directions?


    Best regards,



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