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Posts posted by AfroPsycho

  1. On 3/28/2022 at 7:45 PM, gr5 said:

    You have lots of fixes.  You could just do thicker outerwalls.  That will have the infill far enough from the outer walls that you can't see the pattern.  Or you can change the order - print the outer walls first by checking the cura parameter: outer before inner walls


    Although doesn't it print the infill after all the walls?  I forget.  Anyway doing outer walls first should help a lot.

    I use 2 walls I think it is default in cura and I really don’t want to add another wall and waste more time or filament with it 

    Anyway I have tried it before and it was still visible with three walls 

    I will check walls swttings and update here about it

    • Like 1
  2. There is strange lines on all of the side faces 

    I guess it is caused by infill overlap I have tested it from 0 to 100 it is visible every time ( mostly on %100 ) 

    when I test it with no infill there is no lines 

    I have changed my motherboard and drivers 

    but this problem was before I have changed electronics 

    there is no ringing / ghosting / echo I have tuned acceleration and jerk 

    I have checked belt tensions

    also I was using marlin 1.0.x with my old motherboard now I have compiled marlin 2.0.x from scratch for SKR 2.0 Rev B


    How am I going to get rid of this 












    no infill


  3. Hi there 
    I recently installed a inductive probe to my printer which has dual extruder (Not sharing nozzles) 
    Here is the starting of the issue I want to use G29 before every print I did this by adding G29 to start g-code but the problem is nozzle heating before calibration and oozing too much when print starts it leaves the oozed plastic in the prints first layer which can cause problems (also some prints of mine needs glass like first layer and ooze is problem for this)
    So to resolve this issue I did edit start G-code like this


    M140 S{material_bed_temperature}
    G28 ; home
    M190 S{material_bed_temperature}
    G29 ; auto bed leveling
    M109 T0 S{material_print_temperature}
    M109 T1 S{material_print_temperature}
    G1 Z0
    G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm
    ;Prime the extruder
    G92 E0
    G1 F200 E3
    G92 E0


    After calibrating completes it heats both of the extruder even if I chose T1 to print with it still also heats the T0 which is a bigger problem for ooze
    Also what I noticed is {material_print_temperature} set extruder to 210 but my extruder temp is set to 190 on cura I don't know why this problems hapening also I don't know how to solve these 

    few notes to consider
    G28 not set Z to 0 so nozzle is not touching to build plate this is why I have G1 Z0 it is to prime the extruder
    Also while calibrating nozzle is not touching to build plate so heating it makes no sense 


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