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  1. First, thanks for the suggestion JCD, I will likely give this a try. I still believe that Cura should have the support for z-gaps that are not a multiple of the layer height but will try any work arounds I can find. Much appreciated.
  2. It is nearly impossible to get a decent support gap with a layer height of .15mm! A gap of .15 is not enough and very difficult to remove. A gap of .3 mm is too much and provides a terrible finish. I would really like to stop using PrusaSlicer but have no choice when using a layer height that is less than .2mm since they support any z-gap regardless of the layer height. While not all printers will support this, many do.
  3. Currently using a .2mm z-gap with support interface for .2mm layer height with a .4mm nozzle and it works great. Supports work well and the finish is pretty decent. Using a .16mm z-gap with a .16mm layer height creates a real challenge when removing the support and going up to .32mm produces a crappy surface. Does anyone have good support settings for a .16mm layer height with a .4mm nozzle keeping in mind that the z-gap will always be rounded up to the next full layer height? TIA! Just to be 100% clear, the setting is not actually called the z-gap, it is the "Support Z Distance"
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