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Everything posted by jasontwd

  1. Hi, Am I missing something, I print high temp most days with another slicer but was keen to try Cura again. Why does the Printing temperatures not let me set the nozzle temps above 350deg C?? also the bed temp tops out at 130 deg C. I usually print at 415 and 145 bed on S3D slicer. No problem Am I missing a setting here?
  2. Cura 4.4 issue with login at startup, why does it defaut back to the setup wizard. Each day I start Cura, application does not remember the login and takes me thru the setup wizard. From there I have to login to the main website, go thru the setup wizard and set custom printer then re load a restore from the backups of the previous day. Re open cura, and delete new profile. Then I get the config error to deal with each time. Didnt happen in previous versions of cura. Can someone please add a login screen to the appliaction on startup?????????? To avoid the wizard. Anyone else having this problem?? cheers Jason
  3. Cura 4.4 issue with login at startup, why does it defaut back to the setup wizard. Each day I start Cura, application does not remember the login and takes me thru the setup wizard. From there I have to login to the main website, go thru the setup wizard and set custom printer then re load a restore from the backups of the previous day. Re open cura, and delete new profile. Then I get the config error to deal with each time. Didnt happen in previous versions of cura. Can someone please add a login screen to the appliaction on startup?????????? To avoid the wizard. Anyone else having this problem?? cheers Jason
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