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Posts posted by minuteman64

  1. Using Cura 4.13.1.  My printer is Anet A8, and apparently the z steps are in 0.04mm increments (I read that somewhere, couldn't find it in my printer documentation).


    So, I'm assuming that I want to set layer thicknesses in 0.04mm increments - 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, etc.  The default layer settings (when I go to Preferences > Configure Cura > Profiles) do not match these increments.   For example, the default for Extra Fine is 0.06.  Nothing shows for Fine.  The default for Normal is 0.15.


    The default settings don't seem to want to accept changes.  Is there a way to do this?  Also, where did my default for Fine go?

  2. I have an Anet A8, circa about 2018, that has been chugging along pretty well since.  The LCD buttons have always been a bit difficult - require multiple pushes sometimes to get a response.  Today, when I was trying to set up for a print, some of the buttons just stopped working altogether.   The center (menu) button works and the lower button, that scrolls down the menu screen works.  None of the other 3 buttons will work.  


    Is this a mechanical problem - buttons simply wearing out?  Or, something more technically insidious?  Looks like I can buy a new unit on Amazon for under $20.  Would that be the next step?  Is a new unit pretty much plug-n-play?  I've read some accounts of having to mess with firmware when installing a replacement LCD unit.

  3. Yeah, the more I thought about it the more it appeared to be a mechanical problem.


    Brim was firmly fixed to bed - along with the portions of the model surrounded by the brim.  I'm pretty sure there was no power outage.  Checked this morning and the y-drive belt is pretty saggy.   


    I'm going to check/adjust both belt tensions and also check for anything else loose/detached associated with the bed.  Then I'll give it another try.

  4. Yeah, the more I thought about it the more it appeared to be a mechanical problem.


    Brim was firmly fixed to bed - along with the portions of the model surrounded by the brim.  I'm pretty sure there was no power outage.  Checked this morning and the y-drive belt is pretty saggy.   


    I'm going to check/adjust both belt tensions and also check for anything else loose/detached associated with the bed.  Then I'll give it another try.

  5. Using Cura 4.13.1 with Anet A8 printer.  Got a strange print last night.  See photo.  Upper object(s) from previous print and show the way it was supposed to come out.  Lower object is what I got.  Same drawing for both prints.  Only settings for wall thickness and extruder temp were changed for mangled print.


    I've read about layer shift - but this seems way out there.  Any ideas on what went wrong?  

    layer shift.JPG

  6. Apparently it had something to do with the "Tower" setting (which I didn't at the time know was an actual thing).  I was experimenting (in Preview) with various Support options.  Turned on "Tower" just to see what it would do.  No change.  Then turned it off, and the extra support went away.


    I now have a usable (but not great quality) part.  I'll continue to play with this object/support settings to attempt to achieve "perfection."  A learning exercise.

  7. Actually, the more annoying problem is on the other side.  Photo below.  The portion being supported is at the top (it's a hinge leaf shown from the back).  The support for this starts on the bed way wider than needed and the support extends to cover the bottom of the hinge leaf.  The support only needs to be the diameter that is between the two parts of the hinge leaf.


    To get a functioning part I'll need to clean up the support issue in this area.  How do i decrease the footprint of the support on the base?

    snap lock2.JPG

  8. Using Cura 4.13.1 and printing with a 2mm nozzle.  Trying to print out a small part and having problems with the support (and the print in general).  Basically the support is getting fused into the structure.  Won't separate easily and the smaller details are clogged with what I assume are portions of the support.


    Attached photo shows some of the problem area.  No separation between support and structure.


    Previously did the print with Cura 14.07 or 3.xx (cant remember for sure which one) and it came out almost perfect - and, of course I deleted that file when I upgraded to current Cura version.


    Sooooo many settings 😞  Any thoughts on where to look to resolve?


    Also attached (assuming it will attach) is my Project File.



    snap lock1.JPG

    0.2 pla snap lock bottom.curaproject.3mf

  9. 51 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    The only official download location of UltiMaker Cura for 4.13.1 is here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/tag/4.13.1 if its not downloaded from here then its possibly some "odd ball program"


    But with that said, I do wonder where you were told that it was the most stable version? It is a year old now, and the Core slicing engine got a significant update after the release of that version... 

    That is the location I accessed.  There were six files available for download, with no identifying markings other than file name.  The first file listed was the 4.13-amd64.exe.  That was the only one that actually looked like an .exe file, so that's the one I downloaded.  So, for Windows 10, is that the actual version of Cura 4.13.1?

  10. I got the 4.13.1 recommendation from here:  

    I don't know 3.2 but the newer versions use a "Project File" that is a special 3mf file and contains the printer, all the settings, and the model.  You might find it in the "File" menu as "Save Project".

    What operating system are you on?  The latest versions don't work on Win 7.

    4.13.1 was very good.  The 5.x releases are coming along but aren't quite there yet.

    As for the user manual - the latest releases have a plugin available from the MarketPlace that has excellent descriptions of all the settings.  It is appropriately named the "Settings Guide".

    Edited January 22 by GregValiant


    Why do I give it credence?  I assume anybody on this site knows more than I do about Cura 🙂


  11. I tried to download Cura 4.13.1, based on a recommendation that it was a stable, relatively bug free version.  Not sure if I have the correct downloaded file - no apparent way to designate operating system, etc. before download.  Anyways, the downloaded file I ended up with is:  "4.13.1-amd64.exe."  I'm running Windows 10.  Is this the actual download for V. 4.13.1?  I don't want to install some odd ball program by mistake.


    If the above isn't the actual download for 4.13.1, where would I find it?  When I go to the upgrade section of this site the only option(s) appears to be V. 5.xx.

  12. I think I kinda sorta did what you suggested.  Anyways, it worked.  I opened my existing project file and cleared the platform.  Contrary to what I thought I recalled, no warning dialog appeared.  Then did "Save As" and saved as "new name.curaproject.3mf."  Then I was able to import a new model and save model and profile as the new project file.


    It looks like I can also clear the platform in a project file and bring in a new STL under the same project name.  I encounter this frequently, since I often print a model and like the print result but find the model itself needs modification.  Back to the CAD program to modify the drawing.  New STL, import and print new version.


    Appreciate the input.

  13. On 2/6/2023 at 12:15 AM, ahoeben said:

    It should still be possible to load the *.ini file as a profile using the "Import" function on the Profiles pane of the preferences. Remember though that Cura 14.07 is around 9 years old, so it is not so strange that support for it is fairly non-existent by now, and I don't think anyone has tested that import function with such old files for a good while now.

    I was not able to make that work, probably for the reasons you stated.  In the meantime, I've figured out that 14.07 is so simple I can jot down the settings for a particular .ini file on a sticky note and easily re-copy them into the current version.


    Problem solved, as long as I hold on to my 14.07 version.

    • Like 1
  14. Hi, guys.  I've recently "upgraded" to Cura 3.2.1 and started working with project files.  Getting used to (and liking) the project file concept, but a little confused on one issue.  I frequently develop a profile for a particular model and then want to use the same profile for another model.  Can I open an existing project file that contains a model, clear that model from the profile and import a different model?  If so, what's the procedure?  The "clear build plate"  command looks like a winner, but some caveats show up on the screen that appear to threaten to clear all of the profile settings. 

  15. One additional variable.  I was printing at 80mm/s (mainly because that's what my Cura defalulted.  I accidentally did a print at 60mm/s, all other parameters unchanged, and got a distorted bottom estending 2-3 mm upward from base.  So, for this print, bed temp lower:  good.  Print speed lower:  bad.

  16. I print on a glass plate.  Have been applying wood glue/water mix with great results.  I mix by eye, what seems to be about 10:1, water to glue.  Apply with cheap foam brush while bed is heating and get real smooth coating that gives good adhesion anc very smooth bottom print.  I have no idea how this would work on other bed media.

  17. I have a number of products that were printed using Cura 14.07.  Thinking I might want to print some of these again (breakage, slight modifications, etc.), I have saved the .ini profile files (with descriptive titles) along with the original STL drawings.


    I'm now using Cura 3.2.1, which does not seem to recognize .ini files.  For now, I'm retaining V. 14.07  in case I want to modify/redo any of those old products.  Saving just the g-code doesn't seem a viable option since I can't even read nozzle size when I load a g-code file into my Cura 3.2.1. 


    Any other option for old, pre-.3MF projects? 

  18. I may (after about 10 test prints) be on to a solution.  I had been printing at bed temps 105-110, based on my reading that you gotta keep the bed temp high with abs.  I started dropping the bed temp in 5 degree increments, keeping the other settings constant.  Got a reasonably decent print at 95 degrees and still had good bed adhesion.  


    I'll next try 90, then 85 and see if progress continues.

  19. I'll take a look at my settings.  However, .......


    I've been printing with fan disabled - that seemed to be the abs standard, based on my reading/previous prints.


    Current setup is for bottom layer at 1/2 speed.  I've had best results at 80mm/s for upper layers which would mean 40mm/s for bottom layer.  Lower print speeds seem to make the problem worse.  I tried a plug-in to print the bottom 10 mm at a lower speed (30 mm/s as I recall) and that was by far the worst print (the shrinkage/distortion extended the entire 10 mm where the speed was reduced).


    I'm not sure what Spiralize Outer Contour is.  I'm using Cura 3.2.1 - I'll search to see if it is in play.


    Appreciate the input.  

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