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Posts posted by JASON128

  1. Nylon  shrinks... its a feature of that material.  as such when it shrinks, you either-   1 get internal stresses, but don't see them on the print. - 2 get it lifting off the bed. or -  3 get the bed warping up.

    this is a symptom of the material, rather than the beds fault.


    - have you dried your nylon?  - 70C for 12 hours.  even if  fresh out of the packet!

    -2 can you ensure the ambient temperature is as high as possible, with no cooling drafts or layer fan on?


    I have tried a flexible PEI plate on a s5, and eventually went back to glass for larger prints and nylon for this reason.


    another option- print the part vertically- highest face point up.



  2. Wow- good to know- was about to buy one- but that completely rules it out.!!!  ill make my own then at a more reasonable cost.


    what an incredibly stupid implementation by the design team - speed control on the fan for cooling is obvious, and like you say- cheap to do.  I can only guess its a way around patients in heated chambers?  

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  3. There's plenty of us having success with esun PLA +.   Not sure its fair to blame the printer.   Either you have a bad batch,   or a profile setting wrong.



    try using the generic engineering profile for PLA,  and set the shell wall thickness to 1.5mm

    do a test print  and go from there.



  4. as an update- it appear that  the firmware works by using the movement rates relative to the stepper motor at the beginning as a reference.  So if there is no flow detected at the beginning, it will still continue to run.  I think this is waht was happenign in my case.

    A little official  description on how things work, even just a few paragraphs would help a lot with fault finding- its a shame the information on how these parts work is so scarce.




  5. please Ultimaker firmware guys,  please give us this back!


    The nice thing about it is it stored its own offset data for each build plate...

    This means when using a 3rd party build plate- be it a spring steel, Gardoplate, PEI  or whatever, it kept the data,  and one could swap back to glass without any need to manually calibrate again.  I have been using an spring steel PEI sheet from aliexpress  for 2 months, and love it compared to glass.-  why you guys don't offer something similar I don't understand.


    The fact that the firmware  functionality was already there, and then it was removed, was just rubbing salt in the wound, after having to buy a 3rd party build-plate to begin with!   I know Ultimaker are no longer planning a alternative build plate,  but there ARE other options around, and at least give your customers the option to use them easily.  you owe them that much surely- especially when you have already done the work.







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  6. why not  simply put a thermostat in line with the existing thermoresister on the print head.???

    these things trigger at 70C, so will only trigger when the melted plastic hits them.  the open or short circuit on the thermosister will stop error  and stop the printer before it becomes a disaster.


    they are small enough to fit behind the print block.


    this would cost Ultimaker nothing to add to future print heads- its something 3d systems had years ago on their (awlful) cubepro printers to ensure the heatsink was never over temperature.


    Could even be easily added on by anyone with a soldering iron.  im very tempted to do this myself, with the right little plugs could be a plug on add on to the printheads





    anyone got any thoughts???




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