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Posts posted by Adowell

  1. Hi I am having exactly the same problem with my S5.


    Until I can get an answer to what is happening from Ultimaker, I have to switch the printer off and on again every time i want to start the next print.


    The ondy difference between it working or not working is that I switched it off and on again so does not appear to be a cable or electrical interference issue.

  2. Hi


    I'm part way through a big print and its now looking like I will need to fit a fresh spool of Tough PLA before it finishes.


    Hopefully I can "pause print" and "change filament" at any time, is this correct?

    I assume if the change-over is quick there should be no negative effect on the part.

    A bit worried about spoiling a print which is about 30 hours in.


    Any help would be appreciated.


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