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Everything posted by hpek

  1. I made a perl script to visualize the seam. I am posting it here, just if someone else can find it useful. The script takes gcode as input and output new gcode. Load the new gcode in Cura - do not send this new gcode to your printer. Old feature request: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/2287 Example output: Terminal usage example: cat Vise_Handle.gcode|./visualizeSeam.pl>Vise_Handle_Seam.gcode Script: #!/usr/bin/perl $inOuterWall = 0; $isTraveling = 0; $isFirstLine = 1; while(<STDIN>) { if(/^;TYPE:WALL-OUTER/){$inOuterWall = 1; $isFirstLine = 1; $_ = scalar <STDIN>;} #Enter outer wall if(/^;TYPE:/ && !/^;TYPE:WALL-OUTER/){$inOuterWall = 0;} #Exit outer wall if(/^G0/){$isTraveling = 1;} #Traveling if(/^G1.*X/ && $inOuterWall && $isTraveling){$isTraveling = 0; $isFirstLine = 1;} #New part of outer wall if($inOuterWall && $isFirstLine){ print ";TYPE:SKIRT\n"; print "G91\n"; print "G0 X0.1 Y0.1\n"; print "G1 X-0.2 Y0.0 E1\n"; print "G1 X0.0 Y-0.2 E1\n"; print "G1 X0.2 Y0.0 E1\n"; print "G1 X0.0 Y0.2 E1\n"; print "G90\n"; print ";TYPE:WALL-OUTER\n"; print $prevPrevLine; print $prevLine; print; $isFirstLine = 0; } else{print;} $prevPrevLine = $prevLine; $prevLine = $_; }
  2. Ok thanks - it makes sense now. Only thing that is strange and unintuitive is that you can search for them in the print settings list, only to find the category they belong under. I guess that it is also strange that they can be set to visible in the settings, without any explanation why they will not be visible.
  3. I have all settings shown, but I can still not see the "Drop Down Support Mesh" setting: I can see that the search "support mesh" exist under "Support" and "Special Modes" (they are not just collapsed). In preferences, I can find "Drop Down Support Mesh" under "Support" and "Support Mesh" under "Special Modes". They should both be visible, but they are not. I do not understand this message: I can not change the value of "Support Mesh", as this setting is also hidden - without possibility of making it visible. Any idea of what is happening?
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