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Everything posted by snekmeseht

  1. Thanks guys! I'll continue to look into upgrading the OpenGL to version 4.1. Until then, I'll just make do.
  2. It turns out that I have v4.0. So far, I've been unable to get the available update to install.
  3. Thanks. That sounds like it may be the cause. Is there anyway for me to verify?
  4. I just installed Cura 5.2 on my laptop and started loading models and saving gcode. Much to my dismay, the "Select face to align to build plate" item in the Rotate menu is gone, so I had a helluva time getting the parts sitting correctly. Does anybody have any idea why that option is gone?
  5. I tried reverting to 8 character filenames, but this did not fix the problem for me.
  6. Thanks David! I've changed the filenames now. Haven't had a chance to try it out, but will soon.
  7. I have the same (similar?) problem that dndemattia has. The "wait for user" error always occurs at the end of a print line during solid fill. It happens more often when the print head has to move further away from the bed center. It always results in a big blob of plastic where the nozzle pauses. I have a Creality CR-10s and Cura 4.6.0. I did not have this issue at all with Cura 2 or 3.
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